Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of the ride was just silent. Nether of us spoke, but we didn't need to. It was like just by each other's breathing we could tell what the other was thinking.

When we got to where we were going though I was a little surprised. There was just a red barn with hey on the outside with snow covering it.  The snow made this place beautiful! It just made the barn look so rustic in a modern world.

"You know by the time we get back to town there will be snow everywhere." I loved snow. It made the world look so peaceful. When I saw towns covered in the white fluffiness it almost made me forget the terrible things in the world.

There was one winter back in England when I was five that made me fall in love with snow. For three straight months the whole place was covered in snow. My father took me out to play in it every day. When it was too cold though I cried and he sat by me and showed me how to use my magic to make snow.

"How do you......never mind." I just laughed. He was so sweet. It was almost like I could forget he was a hunter and I am a witch. Of course that never will really happen. There will always be something he or I say that will remind us of reality. Always something to remind us that there is a 98% chance this won't work out.

"So you like snow?"

"Like is an understatement. With what I've been through it's a nice way to help me remember the good in the world. It reminds me of the happy times when I was a child. Every winter I would play in the snow. My father and I brought a tree in every year for Christmas. On the winters when it was warm enough we would have Christmas outside."

When he turned to me those sweet emerald green eyes looked at me like he could see inside my head. "That is one if the sweetest things I've ever heard. So, if you are really 1000 years old and I know almost nothing if the real you. If I give you a year will you tell me where you were?" I actually had to think about that. For most of the 20th century I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But when I realized I didn't care I smiled. "Sure."

"Cool, where were you in 1869?" Oh god! That was SUCH a great year. "Actually I don't remember three quarters of that year. I was actually drugged and tortured for most of it." The look on his face was one of concern. No one showed me that except my father. "Okay, what about 1912?"

"1912 was extremely exciting  except for my tip on the Titanic."

"Titanic? As in the Titanic?" His excitement was so cute. "Yes. I got lucky that night. My boyfriend of the time died though because he saved me." He had a small look of sadness on his face but that didn't bother me. "What about 1923? What were you doing in the Roaring 20's?"

A laugh so loud escaped my lips. "I was basically inventing the term flapper. I worked at one of the speak easies and wore dresses so short for that time people thought I was a slut." This time he laughed.

"Okay, 1944."

"California. I was helping out on the home front a lot at the time. Eventually I joined the military as a nurse. I would go onto the battle field and get the injured helped enough to be properly brought back to the camp to be healed. Got shot once doing that. "

"I'm so sorry about that Ali." The hurt in his eyes was too much. I grabbed his hand to reassure him. "Hey, it's okay. I'm alive." The relief flooded his eyes and it made him look even sweeter. "Alright, 1564." That year. When I heard those four numbers I suddenly realized we were in the barn at a table.

All of the tables were wood with checkered table cloth on it. The servers all looked like cowboys or cowgirls. "What? Did something bad happen that year?" Something bad? Was he joking? Something horrible happened that year. "My father arranged a marriage for me."

"Wait! You're married?!" All to quickly I shook my head. "No. The guy treated me like crap and my father found out and got me away from him."

"Oh. I'm sorry I shouldn't have...."  I put up my hand to stop him. "It's fine Caleb. I hate the bastered." After I said that he gave me that smile I always loved.  We talked for a little bit before our waitress came to take our orders. "I'll have the American Bacon burger." Typical guy thing. "I'll get the barbecue ribs."

"I didn't know you liked barbecue Ali."

"There is so much you don't know about me Caleb."

"Well then," he took a sip from his beverage, "I guess I'll just have to stick around to ask you all the things I don't know."

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