Chapter Ten

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Waking up from my dream was hell. I never wanted to wake up from that dream. It felt so nice to feel like someone cares about me.

Even if it was just a dream.

Dreams help us get away from living life for eight or nine hours each night. That is what we as people need. Small breaks from life. For a while I always thought of dreams as hell.

For the first time in a long time when  woke up I was alert. I'm always alert but this was an energized I can do anything alertness. Not the what's going to happen next alertness.

8:15 am. Kenna would be in first hour still. I needed some girl advice pronto. So I try to reach for my phone but give up and use magic to levitate it to me when I knew the coast was clear and text her.

"Did u get ur phone confiscated by the teach again? Seriously need 2 talk 2 u" Not a minuet later I got a response.

"Lol! SOOOO funny Ali. No I didn't. What Ya need?"

With a deep breath I start texting. "Caleb  came by yesterday. I think I may like him. Kenna, I'm not supposed to like him!"

"The heart wants what it wants."

"Did u seriously just quote Gomez to me?" I might be 1000 years old but I am well caught up with modern times.

"DUH! When do you come back to school? Please tell me it's by next Friday! Girls keep asking me to ask Sam to go to the masquerade ball next Friday with them."

That's right. The dance. Only the second biggest dance of the year. After prom of course.

"I don't know. Does Caleb have a date yet?"

Five minuets went by before I got a reply. "No. I think he is waiting to see when you get back." He probably wanted to ask me to go with him.


"Oh?! My cousin, who is a hunter, who's obviously crushing harder on you then Leonard crushes on Penny in Big Bang Theory wants to ask you to the second biggest dance of the year and all you have to say is 'Oh'?!!!!!"

A second later another text comes.

"SERIOUSLY! We both know how hot Caleb is! If he wasn't my cousin I would ask him out myself! You are the one person my cousin choses out of the other girls at school! Now be happy about it!"

At this I just had to laugh. "Weren't you the one who told me to avoid him because he is a hunter?"

"Yeah but.....details."

"What should I do though Kenna? I'm falling for him so hard."

"I know I'm against this but maybe you should just give into it."

"Maybe you're right."

"Girl, we might be texting but it almost feels like you need a major caffeine hit. I'll be over to the hospital in 30 minuets." I might have only known her for a short time but by know I knew Kenna was that person who would find any excuse to get out of class. I wasn't even going to fight her on this. I did need someone to talk to.

Exactly 30 minuets after the last text Kenna was walking into my room with two ventie frapichenos. "Good news! I heard the doctors talking and it sounds like you are getting out today! That means you can go to the dance next Friday!"

"Thank what ever is up there in the after life." I don't exactly believe in God on the simple fact that if he did exist he obviously doesn't care about me or my family.

It was like Kenna could see right through me. "You don't seem excited Ali. Why?"

"It's Caleb.

"Yeah, what about my cousin?"

"I'm just so nervous to see him. Anyway, what's going on at school?"

"Not much except we got this really hot new guy from Romania in our classes." Oh no! Any country but Romania! "What's his name?"

"Like Nicolae  something? Weird name but SMOKING HOT!"

No! No! No! No! "Kenna, stay away from him."

"No! No way! You don't get my cousin and Nicolae!"

"It's that he is dangerous. Besides, technically I'm engaged to him still."

The look on Kenna's face was indescribable. It was a mix of shock and worry. "Oh no. How dangerous is he?"

"Dangerous to the point of you shouldn't be in the same building as him."

"Wow!" I sighed but my attention was grabbed when I heard a knock on the door. "Alison, who is this?"

"Father it's okay. She knows. This is my friend Kenna. You know the one you tried to keep out a few days ago."

"Alright. Well, I just signed the discharge papers. I'm taking you home." Home! Thank.....oh screw it......THANK GOD! I didn't think I could stand being in here anymore.

So my my father handed me my clothes and I went to the bathroom to change. The strangest thing caught my eye. Actually, it was my eyes.

My eyes were always more of a sea blue but now, now they were a bright crystal blue. I know this isn't a trick of the light because I have seen my eyes in all sorts of lights in my 1000 year life.

I couldn't let that distract me though. It was probably just the meds they pumped me with. Or maybe it was my magic fighting the meds.

When I finished getting dressed and walked out of the bathroom who I saw was a surprise.

"Hey Ali." I felt the blush appear right away. "Hey Caleb. Thought I told you to stay at school."

"Well when Kenna texted and said you were getting out today I had to come see you before your brother blocked me." Before I knew it I was laughing.

"It's important to stay at school Caleb."

"Well now you sound like my brother."

"Maybe that's a good thing." Damn it! I need to stop flirting with him. This isn't what my fate is supposed to be. He isn't what it's supposed to be. Except I wanted him like I needed air.

"Alison," Of course. My father here to save the day. "Yes Daemon"

"It's time to go. Say goodbye to your friend." I just nod and my father leaves. "Nice guy your brother."

"Thanks." Before I thought it through I gave him a hug. If felt so nice to be held in his arms. His sent was just so nice. He smelled like pine, motorcycles, ammunition, and what ever cologne he put on.

Then his lips were on mine.

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