Chapter Thirteen

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No! No! No! No!

He wasn't supposed to find out like this. He wasn't supposed to be here! He found out. He knew. So I blow out the candle and stand up. When I face him a look of shock was on his face.

"What are you?!" He shouts at me. I didn't know what to say. What could I say? He saw what I was doing and now I am screwed. "It doesn't matter what I am. You're just going to kill me now anyway."

"Ali? No! You can't be!" The anger was clear in his voice. No it wasn't anger. It was hurt. He doesn't lower his weapon. "What are you Ali? You can trust me." I had to let out a laugh. "Says the guy who's pointing a gun at me."

He lowers his weapon. "Please just tell me what you are. At least tell me if Alison is your real name." I sigh. He didn't need to know. I didn't want him to know. I wanted him to know.

He was the boy that I was risking everything for. Something about him just made me need to. I know the dangers of telling him. I know that he won't understand. Yet I wanted to tell him everything.

He was attacked by Nicolae because of his connection with me. He got attacked because of my feelings for him.

"What are you?" This was it. No way out of it now. I had to look him in the eye. "I'm a witch Caleb."

Tears were in his eyes as he raised the gun. "I'm sorry Ali." That's when he pulls the trigger.

A white hot pain goes through me as the bullet hits my heart. It was as if every vein was on fire. Every nerve in my body was being torn apart. Not like it would kill me though.

Mostly I was just shocked. Well, not really shocked. I mean, he is a hunter and I'm a witch.  Using my magic I remove the bullet, heal myself, then fix my outfit. "How did you do that?"

"Caleb, my name isn't Alison. My name is Ariralana. I'm 1000 years old."

"No! No! You aren't! This is a dream!" The denial in his voice broke my heart.

"Caleb," Even though I knew it was wrong I went by him and hugged him. The only reason I hugged him was so he knew this was happening. I was actually expecting a knife to my heart. "It's not Caleb. This is real." I could feel the tears fall on me as he hugged me back. "I'm sorry Ali. I am."

"Caleb, I'm a witch and you are a hunter. It's to be expected." He was the one who released me from the  "Were you the one who killed my mom? A witch killed her when I was four. I just need to know." Oh no! I knew what he was talking about.

"No. It was a witch named Ashley. She let her powers go to her head and went crazy. She is dead now."

"Good." As I bite my lip I look him in the eye. "I should go. Dates probably off." As I turn to walk away he grabs my arm.  "No. It's still on."

"What?" Was he serious? There is no way that he is telling the truth. "What?"

"Ali, I don't care. I don't care that you are a witch. I mean, yes if I had known before I wouldn't have asked you out, but I still like you."

"Caleb, how can you? I'm a witch and you are a hunter. I kill people like you and you kill people like me."

He pulls me in for a kiss. When he breaks the kiss he looks me in the eye. "I don't care. I like Alison. That is who I like. Alison, is just the sweetest girl I know. Ariralana, she is the girl that I would kill if I didn't know her true nature."

"Caleb, Alison is just a cover name. Ariralana is who I am." He just takes my head in his hands and looks me in the eye. "No. If what I have learned about you is true Alison is who you are. And I am taking you out for dinner and a movie. Right now. If you try to leave I will shoot you again."

I just smile and laugh. "Now that is the girl I know." This time it was I who kissed him. Still so sweet and warm. "Let's go before I decide that this is a really bad idea."

"As you wish. Ali."

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