Chapter Seven

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When I woke up a few days later everything was fuzzy to me. I could barley recall what had happened before I woke up. All I knew was a dizziness and and icky feeling in my stomach. "Good, you're awake Ariralana." My father was standing in the door.

He had a worried look on his face. One you would expect to see on a father worried about his daughter. This just looked weird on him. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen him for many years. My father was never the best father but he was the one I had. He also wasn't the worst father in the world by a long shot. Not seeing him for 100 years kind of sucked though.

"Yeah, what happened?" My hands flew to my throat as I noticed my voice came out horsely. This is one of the few times my father has actually looked like a father. For once he actually let his concern show on his face as he sits by me. We never tried to show this type of emotion because we always knew there was a chance someone was watching.

"I was hoping you could tell me Ariralana. You leave for school healthy and then you come home and I find you almost dead?" How would I explain this to him? How would I explain that I got sick after I rejected a date with the one boy I wanted to date most?

"Father, all of this started after I turned down a date with Caleb." When a look of fear came into my father's eyes I knew that something was wrong.

"Ariralana, under no circumstances do not let him know who you truly are." Even though my body screamed in protest I nodded. This boy was dangerous and I knew that now.

"Father, why do I feel this deep connection with him then?"

"Rest Ariralana." I knew my father was avoiding the question but I didn't care. My head was killing me and I just wanted to sleep.

When I woke up a few hours later I was still feeling fuzzy. That didn't stop me though. One of the perks of being a witch is even though I look 17 I can make my fake ID's look real. After digging around for mine I got dressed and grabbed my car keys.

"Ariralana, where are you going?"

"Out." Before my father could stop me I left the house and started up my car. I just wanted a drink. Something to take my mind off him. Maybe this is what will help me kick my Caleb addiction. And that's exactly what he was. He was something my body thought I couldn't live without. Mandy I could have a few drinks then come to my senses and move. It could be easily done too.

My father looked like he could be my brother. Just say that my parents died and he was my legal guardian and that he was taking me with him across the country.

Yeah, that could work. No one would ask questions.

Except Caleb.

He was the one flaw in this. He was a hunter. Surely he would see that this was a lie.

Just as I was trying to figure out how to make Caleb not a problem I saw something a head of me.

All I saw before it all went dark was a pair of headlights.

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