Chapter Twleve

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The whole way home I panicked. What if it was him? WHAT IF IT WAS HIM! No. That hex bag wasn't for me. It was meant to do more then make the elevator stop.

One thing is for sure though. Caleb was the target. "Ariralana, we need to talk."
This was what brought my attention to focus. "Yes father?"

"The hunter, it's unwise you have a relationship with him." Oh goody! The over protective father made his appearance once again! "Father, it's nothing."

"So it's just another infatuation then." I actually wiped a tear without him looking. That's not what it is. I can feel it. Caleb is the one. I know he is. His kiss was magical. It made me feel alive. He made me feel alive. All I could picture was him and me. Me and him.

The whole ride home I just closed my eyes. In my head I had this picture. Sam and I were in this meadow. I don't know where it was but it was full of flowers.

It was so perfect. The sun was shining and it felt warm on my usually cold skin. Caleb just held me in his arms in a lovers embrace. Those strong arms that I always wanted to be in.

"Ariralana." Damn him! Always breaking my pleasant dreams. "What?"

"We are home." Great. I grab my suitcase and run up to my room.

Since I moved to this house I actually decorated my room. The walls were a blueish green color. My bed was against the wall with a painting of me and my father that was 600 years old.

Books lined one of my walls from top to bottom. The closet I had was full of designer clothes. Only the best for me my father claims. I just preferred the more comfortable clothes. Only four hours until my date. I had a lot of work to do. Shower was at the top of my list. Smelling like hospital on your first date was a bad impression.

Casual. What would constitute as casual? Maybe a white dress? No. Too much. Maybe jeans and a plaid top. Yeah. So I got my outfit out. Dark blue jeans, a black tank, and a red plaid top. To finish off the outfit a pair of black cowboy boots.

Satisfied I hopped into the shower. As the hot water washed over me after rinsing shampoo out I felt a hand clamp around my throat.

"You are mine princess. Now and forever." When the hand released me my face met the floor.

Was I safe in my own house? It seams like I'm not safe anywhere. At school defiantly not safe. In the hospital I wasn't. Now even in my own house I wasn't.

But was I ever really safe when I lived with my father? He is a vampire. It only happened once but that was enough.

It was about 509 years ago, he had been kidnapped an starved to the point of desiccation. When he got home the first thing I did was clean up his wounds because he was too weak to do it himself.

Except when I came back with the bandages he went right for my neck. The pain that followed was indescribable.

Three days later I woke and found out the only reason I was alive was because of how fast my blood replenishes. After that my father promised I was safe.

But I wasn't.

Once I got out of the shower and got my outfit on I decided to use magic to dry and do my hair. My hair had its natural curl but there was a plaid bandana on like a head band.

A hex bag was hidden under my pillow. Great! First Caleb now me. Two hours. I had time.

"Ariralana, where are you going dressed like that?" That son of a bitch! Couldn't he leave me alone? "Out for a date with Caleb."


"Excuse me?" There was no way he was going to stop me. Caleb was who I am meant to be with. "I don't care if he is a hunter and I am a witch! What matters is how I feel. And how he makes me feel!"

"You are not going out with that hunter." Oh hell yes I am! "Actually I am! You can't tell me what to do anymore. If you wanted to have a say maybe you shouldn't have sent me off on my own 400 years ago!"

He pissed me off so much! I can't believe he has the nerve to try to say who I can and can't date. It's his fault I was engaged to Vladimir. So I walked to the door angered. "Ariralana, get back here now!"

"Piss off!" Leaving I slammed the door. If I wanted to do what I wanted before my date I had to do it now. Through the woods I walk until I find a meadow.

Perfect! Taking the hex bags, a bowl, candles and other herbs out of my bag I set everything up. The hex bags were put in a bowl with herbs. I placed and lit the candles around the bowl.

"Show me who is trying to harm me.
Show me who is behind the attacks.
Revel who wishes me gone."

If anything would tell me who it was this was it. As a gold glow erupted from my hands I heard a twig snap.

"Who are you?!

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