Chapter 33- New Beginnings

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Hey guys! I know the deadline for the sequel was a few days ago, but I didn't think anyone read that author's note. They might not read this one either, but who cares? I'm just trying to make everyone happy. If you do, DM me, comment, or vote. Whatever makes you guys comfortable. If you don't, then oh well. I know I may seem like I'm pushing it for some of the people who actually read my author's notes, but I'm just trying to get the opportunity out there. So hit me up with some msgs, comments, and/or votes! Luh ya bros for 1.04K reads! Thank you guys so much for being the best readers anyone could ever have! Here's the chapter!



Carl's POV

I just stand there paralyzed. I can't move, can't think, just stare. My mind has gone blank.

Foxface steps out of the cabin. "What's wrong, Carl?"

I can't say anything, and she traces my gaze and finds her. My baby sister, who I thought died with my mother, Lori. I can't understand this at all. Foxface walks over to her, picks her up, and rubs their noses together to calm her down.

"Here," she hands me my sister. "Maybe this'll calm you down."

I take her into my arms and cradle her. Her eyes are wide open, and I could tell that she was very sleepy.

"We better get out of here," I reply.

She nods and we walk back to the house.


When we arrive at my Chan's house, everyone (except Jordyn) is in the kitchen with a Twinkie in everyone's hand.

"Carl. . ." Daryl complains. "Jordyn then Foxface?"

"This isn't my kid. It's my sister."


Beth, Daryl's old love, used to play with Judith when we were back at the prison a few years ago. Daryl never had much to do with her, but it made him happy when he saw Beth and Judith together.

"Yep. We went into the woods and saw an old cabin, then we heard her crying. I couldn't believe it myself either."

"This can't be Judith. She's been dead for a few years; there's no way that can be her. It might be someone that looks like her, but there's no way that's her."

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