Chapter 35- I Don't Know

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Hey guys! Sorry that I didn't update sooner, but I tried to publish this chapter, but it wouldn't show it in my (yes i read my own storues) or my friends' libraries, so I tried deleting it but I copied it and it it copied the link!! But I was just wanting to let you guys know that I tried!! Luh you guys!!


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Jordyn's POV

When we step in Daryl's car, I instantly get anxiety.

He probably doesn't want anything to do with me. . . I may have stuck up for him, but. . . I don't know. . . Help me. . .

I tilt my Dad's old Chevy hat I put on earlier towards my face to cover that I'm hiding my face behind my hands. A tear streams down my face. I wipe it away as Daryl jams the key in the ignition and Nicole fiddles with the radio.

She fastens her seatbelt. "Since when do you have feelings?"

"Since when did you buckle up?" I say pointing to the seat belt.

"It's not for my safety; it's for the baby."

And she rubs her stomach lightly. Daryl smirks (I've never really seen him smile, just smirk) and puts her hand on her stomach.

She smiles as well. "You created that."

"No. We created that."

And they share a kiss.

"I hate to break up this moment up, but I need to get going. I could just walk if you want me to."

"That won't be necessary," replies Nicole. "I am not leaving my best friend to walk by herself while she's pregnant. Nuh huh. Not gonna happen."

I nod with a small smile. "Well, hit the gas pedal Daryl."

(Hold up! Grab the wall! Wiggle like you're trying to make your *** fall off! (I had a weird moment))

He smirks again. "Of course."

And he obeys. He floors it, and I have to grab my hat before it flies behind me in the seat.

Nicole howls. "Go Daryl!"

"Calm down, Nicole," I reply. "Remember. . . the baby?"

"He or she is probably having fun, too!" And she sticks her hands and head out the window screaming.

I've missed times like this. No worries, just fun. Nothing but. . . fun. . .

"You want to do it too, Jordyn?" asks Daryl.
"I don't have a window!" I have to shout over the window coming in through their windows.

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