The day at yours

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You wake up to your mom vacuuming the apartment. You kinda forgot she was still home. Once she notices you're awake she says "oh sorry y/n, was I being to loud?" You laugh because obviously it was loud but you say "oh no it's fine, honestly." Your mom smiles and nods and then carries on vacuuming and you turn to see Duke. He stretches and looks at you, smiles and then kisses you on the forehead. Your mom looks over to you and smiles while saying "you two are so cute, I can tell you were made for each other." You smile and reply "thanks mom, that really means a lot." Duke smiles and says "yeah thanks Debby, I really like this girl." And he looks down and smiles at you. You ask if he's still tired and he says a little bit. "We can either go to my room or back to yours so you can sleep, it's up to you" you say to him. He says "I don't wanna walk much so let's just go to your room." And you both laugh and get up. "Mom we're just gonna be in my room so we can sleep a bit more so if you need us we'll be in there." Your mum stops what she's doing and says "ooo okay I'll leave you to alone then... and don't worry I'll knock first if I need you." And she laughs and you jokingly roll your eyes and laugh.

You get into your room and Duke jumps onto your bed. It squeaked so he looks at you and says "so we know what not to use your bed for" and laughs. You jokingly hit him in the arm and say "shut up about that" and you both laugh. You notice that his merch is out of your wardrobe so you quickly go to put it away so he doesn't see that you've got almost all of his merch. He pats the area next to him on the bed to gesture for you to join him and you say "one second, I gotta put these hoodies away quick." He sits up so he can see what clothes they are. "Is that my merch?" he says when he notices the hoodie. You go red and say "maybe it is maybe it isn't". He laughs and comes up behind you and hugs you "well now instead of buying merch just ask and you can have one of my hoodies." You turn around and excitedly say "wait really?!" And he laughs and says "no bitch they're mine!" You act shocked and lightly hit him on the arm so then you both laugh. Eventually you join him and he wraps his arms around you. You both lay there for a while until Duke says "for some reason I can't fall asleep. Like I don't even feel tired anymore." You turn to look at him and you say "yeah same, what did you wanna do then?" Duke shrugs his shoulders and you both end up going on your phones.

Your bedroom door opens. Your mom peaks her head in and says "um y/n someone's here to see you." You could tell something was wrong so you quickly get up to see who it is. You grab Dukes hand so he can come with you just incase something is wrong and you both walk into the living room. You stay in silence as you notice your dad sat on couch and you slowly walk over. "Dad?" You say as you sit down next to him. Duke follows behind and sits next to you. Your dad looks at you and says "I called yesterday but you didn't answer so I was worried. If you don't want to keep in contact then I guess that up to you but you have to tell me y/n." You look at him confused but then you remember what you was doing when you missed his call. "Oh yeah sorry dad I was busy when you called and I've just been distracted so haven't had the time to call you back." He lets out a sigh of relief once he realises you wasn't ignoring him. "So what did you call me for?" You ask him. He says "oh I just wanted to check up on you and see what you've been up to. I really just wanted a little catch up with you." You smile and say "oh well I've not really been doing much except for hanging out with Duke. You remember Duke don't you? He helped us bring our stuff up when we first moved." Your dad looks over at Duke and says "ah how could I forget such a handsome young man," and smiles "so are you two, you know, a thing?" You look over to Duke but he just shrugs his shoulders. You look back to your dad and say "we're still figuring some of it out". He nods his head to show he understands and then he says "well I better leave you lot to do your own thing so I'll head off now but if you need me just ring." Your dad stands up and starts making his way to the door and you follow him "alright bye dad, it was nice seeing you." He hugs you and waves to your mom and Duke "Bye Deb. Bye Duke, make sure to take care of my daughter." Duke smiles and says "don't worry, I'd never do anything to hurt her in any way." and looks to smile at you. You smile back to him and close the door once your dads left.

"So Duke are you staying for dinner?" Your mom questions. Duke looks over to you and then back over to your mom "um if that's okay with you Debby then I'd love to." You all start helping in the kitchen. Duke passes you the plates and cutlery and you place them on the table. Your mom starts to make spaghetti and meatballs and you and Duke finish setting the table. Once you've finished, you start helping with the sauce. Duke cuts up the vegetables and you stir the pot. Duke brings the chopping board over with the vegetables on and pours it all into the pot. As you're stirring, a bit splashes out the top. "You're being to aggressive with it." You hear Duke say. "Fine then if you're such a chef then you do it." You say while laughing. He stands right behind you and puts his hands over yours to guide them. "Do it like this." He says while gently making your hand move the spoon. You feel yourself sinking into him and you forget what you're doing. You look up and see Dukes head resting just above yours and he looks down and kisses your head. You get lost in his eyes and you can't tell how long you was looking into them but eventually you get snapped back into reality when you hear your mom say "don't forget I'm here guys." and laugh. You and Duke both laugh and get back to making the sauce and your mom says the spaghetti and meatballs are almost done and you say the sauce is as well.

A few minutes later you dish up the meal and sit down to eat. You and Duke are sat next to each other and your mom is opposite you. You look over to the seat opposite Duke and sigh because that's where your dad would usually sit but then your attention is drawn to what Duke starts saying. "This is delicious, thanks Debby." Your mom smiles and says "well I couldn't do it without you two. The sauce is my favourite part." and she winks. You all laugh and carry on eating while making small talk. "So Duke, have you got any plans for the week?" Your mom asks. Duke finishes his mouthful of spaghetti and says "um no, not that I can think of. I kinda just let things happen without any plan." and he smiles. Your mom has a mouthful of food so she just nods in agreement instead of talking. You all carry on eating and you and Duke finish first. Once your mom finishes, you get up to take the plates to the dishwasher but Duke gently pushes you back down and says "don't worry y/n, I'll do it" and he grabs the plates and cutlery and stands up. As he's walking to the dishwasher, your mom looks at you and whispers "ooo you've found yourself a proper gentleman" and she laughs, while you agree.

After about an hour of just sitting and talking, Duke says to you "do you wanna head back to mine? We can watch a film or something there but I'm just kinda tired to be honest." You have a sip of drink and then say "yeah if you're tired then I'm happy to let you go by yourself so you can just go straight to bed." But Duke says "no I want you there. I was hoping you could stay the night again and then tomorrow we can just have a whole day of watching movies or something." You smile and agree so then you go and pack something to sleep in. You end up choosing a hoodie that you got from Duke ages ago and some shorts and then you pack some extra things like a hairbrush and toothbrush and then you go to tell your mom you're leaving. "Hey, mom. Me and Duke are heading back to his and I'm gonna stay the night if that's alright." Your mom says of course she doesn't mind if you sleep there and then she waves goodbye.

When you get to Duke you put your bag in his room and then you see him walk in behind you and say "I didn't know if you wanted to go straight to bed or if you wanted to sit in the couch for a bit, I was hoping on going to bed but if you wanna stay up without me then that's fine." You step closer to Duke and say "yeah I'm happy to go to bed with you, just let me get changed quick." Duke starts getting changed right in front of you so you do the same. "Hey isn't that my hoodie?" He asks when he looks up at you. You laugh and say "maybe it is. It's just really comfortable." Duke laughs and jokingly rolls his eyes at you. You both climb into his bed, you're on the left and he's on the right but you're both facing each other . "Goodnight Duke." You say, while looking into his eyes. He smiles and says back "goodnight y/n" and he puts his hand on your face. You end up rolling over so Duke becomes the big spoon and you just cuddle until you both fell asleep.

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