Duke comes to yours

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*sorry this chapters kinda short*

You go into your parents room to check if they've already gone, which they had. You go back into the living room and just sit on the sofa while you wait for Duke.

There's a knock at the door so you run over and see it's Duke. As he steps in you hug him and he hugs you back. "Why are you so excited to see me?" Duke asks you, blushing and laughing. "Why wouldn't I be?" You say and you both laugh. You let Duke into your apartment and he goes and sits down. You bring him over a can of coke and he smiles at you. "Sorry my place isn't as fancy as yours" you say while smiling. Duke laughs and says "your place is nice, I like it". You smile at him and he smiles back. "So, what do you want to do?" You ask him. "Um I'm not really sure. It's up to you." Duke says back.

You both decide you want to watch a film so you go onto Netflix and see what there is to watch. You both agree on The Grinch(the live one) so you put it on and both get comfy. You get closer to Duke and he puts his arm around you. You rest your head on his shoulder and put your arms around him. You stay like this and you both fall asleep.

You wake up and see that Dukes still asleep. There's still about 30 minutes of the film left so you stay how you are and just carry in watching the film. You feel Duke start to move so you turn to look at him but he's still asleep so you just smile and carry on watching the film. You then feel him move again so you turn around again and you can see him trying not to smile with his eyes still closed so you laugh and say "I can see you're clearly awake". Duke laughs and says back "no I'm definitely asleep so we need to stay lead like this" and he blushes. You roll your eyes and laugh and say "I'd stay like this whether I was asleep or awake anyway so feel free to stay lead on my shoulder" and you both laugh. The film ended but you and Duke stayed how you was. Duke put his arm around you and you could feel him rubbing your back, which made you smile more.

About 30 minutes passed and you both are still lead next to each other. You and Duke look each other in the eyes and, when you turn away, Duke kisses the top of your head. As soon as he does it he sits up a bit and says "I'm sorry, I forgot you don't want that.". You smile and turn back to him and say "no it's fine. I like it.". Duke blushes and you blush as well. As your staring into each others eyes, smiling, the front door opens and you both jump round to see who it is. You notice it's your mum so you quickly sit up and Duke moves his arm from around you. "Hi darling, did you have a good day?" Your mum said, not looking at you while she carried in the groceries. Before you get a chance to say anything she looks over at you. "Oh I didn't expect you to be here. Is it Duke?" Your mum says cheerily. "Yeah it's Duke. Did you want me to go so you can spend some time with y/n?" Duke said to your mum. You mum smiled and said "no, don't be silly! You could stay for dinner if you like?". You look straight over at Duke and he looks back at you and then back to your mum. "Um yeah if that's alright with you," Duke said "I haven't had a home cooked meal since I moved to LA" and he laughed. Your mum and Duke carried on talking for a few minutes and, without realising, you spent the entire time staring at Duke.

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