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Thanks to ahsseditss I have something to write

You and carl have been dating for a while now. For your birthday, he got you some comics, since you love them. "Babe, we have to do our chores" carl wines at you. "Please put that down and talk to me" you say the comic down. "Hello" you say, then pick it back up and read more. He pulled out a lighter and lit the comic on fire. "Hey!" You say, pouring your glass of water over the comic. The water gets on your bed too. "Thanks a lot. I guess I'll be sleeping with you tonight" you sigh. "Let's go do our chores-" "why?" "so I can do this" he kisses you. "I didn't understand that" you say, giving a hint. He starts a make out cession. You end the cession after like five seconds. "I'm not in the mood today, carl" you sigh. He slings you over his shoulder and runs you out to the prison yard and pins your arms up above your head and kisses you. "Now?" "Nope. I've gotta go do my chores" you get up, still playing hard to get. You start killing walkers and he comes over to you. "Listen, (Y/N), I liked you when I asked you to be my girlfriend, but we need to talk about what's happened since then" he's breaking up with you. You have that feeling In your gut. "Since I asked you to be my girlfriend, when I liked you, my feelings have changed." He starts. You can already tell the next words are gonna hurt. "Since then, I've ganged more feelings about you. Wait, scratch that. I've ganged one more feeling about you. I love you" your face lights up real big and you kiss him. "gotcha" he said and you smile at his smart remark. "I love you too" you say through a smile.
You could already hear the wedding bells ringing. Carl comes up to you. "(Y/N), I have a confession." He said. "I don't like you anymore. I don't love you anymore" his words sting you like ice. His words pierce your heart. "I want to be with you forever. Your my world. Your the air I breathe. My only reason for living, without you here, I am nothing, for each moment of life is pure torment when we are apart, so, you can be my maggie, I can be your glenn." He says and you smile and hug him. "I love you too, carl" he smiles.
-1 year later-
"Julie, come on out! Show Grandpa Rick and Grandpa Daryl What outfit we found today!" You say, queuing carl to help Julie walk out on the "red carpet". They walk out and Julie has a ballerina costume on. You smile and Julie runs to Rick. Carl puts his arms around your waist. "Your such a great mother" he smiles, and you kiss his cheek.

Chandler Riggs / Carl Grimes ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt