chapter 13

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Vulgar, Naugher, return to HQ at once. I'll negate the black hole.

That's impossible! No living being can fulfill such task! Vulgar finished in disbelief.

Aoi are you sure about this? Naugher questioned.

Of course I am, this isn't the time I've done something like this before.

To prove his point, Aoi unleashed a powerful gust of blue energetic resonance while stretching his hands up front. From behind the energy took on the form of wings while growing in size.

Vulgar and naugher however was sent to HQ(which is his house) due to his temporal ability. Both Saiyans looked at each other before realizing what Aoi done.

At the same time, the queen would enter the room with nicks and a few battle scratches in her armor.

Vulgar? Naugher? How did you guys get back? Where's Aoi?

Vulgar went on to explain the entire situation from the beginning of their battle against the traitorous Biyo all the way to Aoi trying to negate the black hole.

Is he out of his mind?! The queen stated at the same time a solder ran in.

Your majesty, Everyone have been mysteriously teleported back within the barrier!

What? So You're telling me everyone is back inside barrier? She asked at which an earthquake happened at the same time.

Damnit, what now?

Mam I think it's due to the to the large blue wing shaped energy in the sky. Whatever it was, it gave us a great power boost.

I have to see this. In the meantime make sure everything is secured. Send for the medic, I want Vulgar and Naugher patched up immediately. And where's my nephew?

"He's putting Nisha's twin along with their parents in the healing pods. Gine is passing around the last few of the senzu beans" the solder responded as he and the queen went outside with Vulgar and Naugher not far behind with the medics giving them a senzu bean.

Upon exiting Aoi's house, they were met with a blue auroa lights lighting up the sky.

"'s beautiful. Wait a second, is that a black hole? The queen finished before feeling the ground shift.

Meanwhile in space, The Frieza force were present at a safe distance while observing planet Vegeta's destruction at the hands of the black hole.

"Hahaha, well it seems I don't have dirty my hands after all. Though its a pity I won't have the privilege to eliminate those monkeys. But alas, the black hole did me a favor" Frieza stated while watching the planet get sucked in before noticing a blue aura explode just before the planet exploded itself.

Seeing the planet explode brought him a sense of relief. Now he could build and expand the Frieza force without the monkeys in the picture.

Prior before the explosion......

Aoi could be seen trying his best to negate the black hole. But the pressure and the began to slowly overwhelm him. Cuts began to appear in his skin as peices of the planet along vegeta3rd's follower's were pulled in to oblivion.

Suddenly, he could feel heat from behind. A very extreme heat. He tilted his head back and widened his eyes after what he was witnessing.

The planet was getting ready to explode.

He knew if he didn't do anything sooner, he along with the rest of the Saiyans will a memory of history.

At the exact moment before the planet exploded, he awoken a deeper power within himself. A burst of new power, blue energy lines burst from his body before revealing his new crystalized form. In an instant, he along with the remaining Saiyans teleported to the Newtype Void reality, all the while making it look like they are no more.

With Whis and Beera....

What the? Where did they go Whis?

Oh hush. They aren't gone very far. As a matter of fact, all we have to do is travel to the edge of our universe and we'll find them.

"That's it? Well I'll go there after my nap. Wake me up when something pops up alright. At least we don't have to deal with for the time being" lady Beera finished while heading back to her bedroom for a nap.

As you wish.

The moment her student left back to her room, Lady Whis had a smirk.

"Oh, I will wake you up alright. Not until after I have Aoi all to myself of course" she thought while watching Aoi float in his new form.


Well that lady Ura. Perhaps a visit would do in the near future.

I agree, in the meantime let's go home and grab something to eat.

Yes mam!

End of planet Vegeta arc

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