chapter 14

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age 764

"Ugh" what happened? Why does it feels like I'm floating in a vastness of a void? Am I dead?" Aoi questioned as a bright light engulfed him.


Ow! Just how long have I been out?

Well, upon my awakening I discovered it's been over 27 years we've been in slumber.

The queen looked at her lover in suprise.

You're joking, right?

No, I'm not. So far only a handful have awoken while mass majority is still in a state of slumber.

Speaking of which, I'd suggest you do stretches before moving around.

I suppose you're right. I bet we probably have to train from being inactive for so long.

Speaking of training, how's Aoi?

On que one of the soldiers came running in with news of Aoi.

Your excelance! Aoi is waking up!

"I'm coming, just give me a moment" she stated before stumbling due to staying still in the past 27 years.

With the help of Vulgar, she made it to the neighborhood square where where Aoi was in cased in a crystalized state.

Before they got to Aoi, the queen took time to admire the beauty of their new home as she observed the sun getting ready to rise. But her attention was quickly brought back to the Newtype as the giant crystal began to crack while glowing.

A second later the crystal incasing Aoi shattered as he fell face first in his normal state.

Getting to his knees, his eyes had to adjust to the light around him before hearing an all too familiar voice.

"It's been awhile Aoi Tori" the queen stated while leaning on Vulgar.

What happened? Why do my body feel weaker? I can't use my power with my body as it is.

A lot of unexpected things happened on that fateful day 27yrs ago.

Flashback 27yrs ago........

Hey, is everyone alright? The queen asked outloud as Vulgar stood beside her.

I'll go take a look, in the meantime I will take Naugher and a squadron to check the perimeter.

"Very well, I'll await your return. In the meantime, I'll go and check with Gine" the queen stated while heading over to the next room.

She was met with Gine and trunks running a diagnosis through the system.

However, something in particular caught her attention. And that was Barda, Fasha along  with all the other women in aiding Aoi were incased In bio crystalized material. Even Boris and her crew were in the same situation as the others.

Suddenly she began to feel light headed and a bit winded.

At the same time Vulgar would return sharing the same expression.

Your majesty, come with me. There's something you'll want to see.

After getting her approval Vulgar  swooped her up in bridal style and flew off.

As they flew, the queen noticed how most of the Saiyans weren't moving around. No doubt due to the hard battle they fought. But still...

A few minutes earlier..........

After using his abilities to teleporting the designated section of the remaining Saiyans  out of a nearly impossible black hole, Aoi felt a sense of relief as he decended to the center of the neighborhood. While doing so, he was able to take in the sight of the stars of the Newtype Void. He fazed out only to appear at the neighborhood square where a few of the Saiyans walking around stared at his unusual form.

The moment he touched the surface, reality around shifted as flowers and parts of daimonds sprouted. He had a gut feeling something like this would happen. But letting curious get the of him, he looked at his reflection and was not surprise in the least why people were staring at him all crazy.

His hair is white with gold and turquoise hue while a crystalized streaks blended in. His body now produced bio crystalized materials so potent that it even altered his armor.

"Well I guess everything has a price huh? I think I could go for a nap though" He thought yo himself as bio crystal began to Incase him.

With a wave of his right hand, three crystals appeared as he filled them up with information by via thoughts before closing his eyes as the crystal incased him completely.

Back to the present...........

So that's what happened to you. By the way, what will you do in the meantime since you no longer have access to that power you once possessed.

Who said that?

I'd figure since everyone here is less than half their original power level.

I see your point. Well, I guess I should go and see how far things escalated since we disappeared from history. What do you say, your highness?

Hmm....I suppose I wouldn't hurt to have eyes and ears out there while we're here. You will report to us anytime between two to three times a month understand?

Yes ma'am!

Good! And Aoi?


If you so happen to see my daughter, give her this purple crystal. She'll understand.


Me and Vulgar will over see things here. Should something arise, we'll let you know.

Understood ma'am. You guys take care.

In a flash of blue, Aoi warped away.

On to the next chap folks.

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