chapter 12

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What's the meaning of this?! Whoever did that shall now pay the price! finished the king as another beam nearly hit him, followed by ten more mega beams.

Don't just stand there, Attack!

The great apes began attacking with their own ki blasts from their mouths.

After their attacks died down, the menace who started the attack finally decided to show itself.

From the smoke appeared a large red hulking machine much larger than a greatape ascended from the cloud of dust. However, in the center part of it acting as the head is none other than Biyo. One of the king's commanders.

Biyo, what's the meaning of this?! Demanded the king in fury while the ex commander said nothing.

"To be honest, I've grown tired of your foolishness, king. Now why don't you go away. I have an appointment to attend to" finished Biyo as he fired the mega beam at king VegetaIII instantly erasing him from existence. Afterwards, the four rectangle Peice's on the machinery back transformed into four extra arms before firing it's finger mega beams at the rest of the Saiyans surrounding him.

Biyo swept through the sky with the finger beams leaving nothing but carnage. The beams were so powerful and bright, it could be seen in the distance by the former queen and her troops. The beam  swept through the Saiyans in their ape forms like nothing. All that could be seen is their ashes. Only a few manged to survive, but at a cost of their limb or getting severe injuries.

Aoi just then came to the scene at the very moment the Saiyans were wiped out after the king.

However, the very thing he hoped didn't exist stood right before him.

The red hulking machine turned his direction after destroying the remaining Saiyans in his way. Once Aoi got a good look, he was surprised to see a Saiyan in control of the mobile armor.

" What? This isn't right? The only other Newtype Saiyans besides myself are General Vulgar and Naugher. If there were more, I would've known. Whoever this guy is it's clearly obvious he's no slouch. Given his armor he's an Elite, but there's something about this one that seems almost artificial. Almost like....a CyberNewtype. Further more, how did he build something like this? It wasn't even supposed to exist in this reality at all" thought Aoi as he stared at the man piloting the Neo Zeong.

So we finally meet Aoi. At long last, the battle between us Newtypes will commence. With your defeat, my credibility will be even more acceptional. Oh, it seems general vulgar and your brother have joined as well.

This is perfect! Three Newtypes against me. Now this will be the best challenge yet! Boyo stated in thrill as the zeong fired it's shoulder beams at the three.

Meanwhile at the low class neighborhood.......

Is everything ready? We need to be ready for or else we're all extinct.

"It's finished. In three minutes the forcefield will be up and running. If everyone isn't in the perimeter within the time limit, they're on their own" the future hybrid Saiyan finished as he began stretching.

Meanwhile Nashi watched the halfbreed in interest while thinking if he's worthy of her time or not. Unknown to her, both of her parents were watching in surprise. They both shared a look before going back to the queen, who had a smirk of her own.

Trunks suddenly picked up an alarming on coming amount of hostile energy levels headed in their direction. But that's not all. What's even more alarming is the fact that they're stronger than his base super Saiyan transformation. Trunks knew exactly what would happen if they reach the base.

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