chapter 11

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S-son, is that you?

Everyone present was silent. The twins and the younger brother stared in shock as they noticed how much their eldest brother look like their father and how powerful he is.

When they were kids before Naugher came along,  they used to always pick on him due to him being different and how weak he was. But after discovering how Aoi became the strongest Saiyan ever by attaining the legendary super Saiyan transformation next to Vulgar, they had a different outlook on things.

Ever since then, the queen addressed the issue and ordered the Saiyans to stay on the planet and train while a small portion leave on assignments.

They've been training in hopes of ever reaching that state but sadly, none could ever reach it. But they did get stronger. Strong enough where they can send one Saiyan to eliminate a planet that only cold elites can handle. Of course, king Cold's youngest child didn't like that. As a matter of fact, if he was in charge, there's no doubt he would kill everyone here.

Well, the years has been kind to you hasn't it, mother? I could say the same to you too old man. Don't worry about back then. Let's start anew.

Wait, y-your saying that...

"Yes, I forgive you" he said before appearing in front of his mother and gave her a hug.

She went stiff before embracing her son as tears streamed from her face in regret.

After reconciling with his family, Aoi introduced everyone to each other before inviting them dinner. Of course Gine cooked a big enough meal for everyone. It wasn't long before the queen and Vulgar joined in. Everyone dug in  the moment Aoi got his plates.

By the end of supper everyone was stuff and prepared for briefing.

Back with VegetaIII....

Now that everything is under control, it's time to began the purge!

Sir? There's a message broadcasting on every scouter device.

From who?

King Cold.

Well, turn it up so I could hear it!

(Turning up the volume)
Greetings! Dear fellows of the planet trade organization. I want to further express my gratitude for those who served the Cold force. However, that's not what I'm broadcasting for.  I have in important announcement to make.

I'm now retiring and allowing my son freiza take my place as the new head of the organization. From this day forward, the Cold force is now the Freiza force and everything else under it. By the way, nothing is changed. Just be aware that my son has a shorter temper and is far cold hearted than I am.

Greetings, fellow worms! Monkeys! I have such high expectations. For your sake, I hope you live up to it. To commemorate my rise to power, I'm giving out 200 of the new state of the art scouters to each branch of the force. Now without further interuptions, I believe we're done.

(Broadcasting close)

I thought cooler was suppose to rule! Damnit, that's it!


Yes my Lord?

It's time. Have the entire planet prepared for battle. We are going to proceed with the extermination of the traitors immediately. Once we're done with them, then we'll deal with freiza and his family. Next, will be the entire universe!

Yes sir! Gerod! Lifa! Pass the word. This is a direct order from his majesty!

Yes sir!

It's done my Lord. When do we commence?

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