chapter 16

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Well pardon me for the intrusion

So this is earth? What a beautiful place. It would make a nice vacational getaway. But sadly, we're here on official business. What a pitiful waste.

Oh it want such a waste once we began anihalating the natives on this planet, father.

Footsolders, began searching for the natives and destroy them!


Yes sir?!

Go and make sure no one is lurking from the shadows. If you find anyone, kill them.

Yes sir! The blue man stated before vanishing into the shadows. However, the same can't be said about Cold's first squadron.

Their moment was cut short the moment they took off in the air. A split second later their chopped remains came raining down as an unknown female with pink hair appeared while wearing a full Capsule Corp outfit.

Not far from Cold's ship, the z fighters instantly picked up the high energy level.

Guys! Who is that facing against Frieza?

I don't know, it feels like it would be someone kin to Mr Vegeta.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Hold on a second, do you guys feel that? There's something else heading in this direction and it's fast.

Are serious Gohan? I don't feel anything .

That's because Gohan has mastered his power control to the point where his senses range extends almost to the outskirts of the Galaxy. Perhaps if you weren't so focused on unworthy things, you'd be  stronger. Now stop whining and get moving baldy.

"He's in the solar system and wait...he just increased his speed!" Gohan finished while Piccolo eyes widened at finally feeling the raw energy approach.

Yamcha and the rest of the Z-fighters instantly felt it. That was before their attention went back to the energy increase in the battlefield.

Back to the battlefield.......

Well, well, well, who are you? Don't tell me you've come to stop me you little punk? Foot solder's! Vaporize this nuisance at once!

The foot solder's surrounded girl before charging her.

In an instant, she cut every last one of them down before sheathing her blade as all the troops fell.

Mecha Frieza chuckled before raising finger in a no jester, but the youth cut him off.

Blah blah blah, look you've already made a mistake that just cost you dearly. Rule number one, know your enemy and I'm not talking about Goku.

The foolish emperor and his father paused for a moment before bursting in laughter.

"These fools are so stuck up it's very sickening. But I guess I'll let them have the last laugh because in the end, I'll be standing over their graves" thought the pinket as the rocks began to levitate.

Frieza noticed as looked on and saw the same look the resembled the one who defeated him.

"No, those eyes. It can't be, they have the same eyes" Freiza stated in horror while taking a step back.

(I'll make it instant) in a quick flash, the young woman completely transformed into a super Saiyan.

So this is a super Saiyan, huh? Questioned the king while watching his son back away in fear.

Guys, there's another super Saiyan!

Whoa, you mean to say there's another Saiyan out there besides Goki with that power? Yamcha stated while making Vegeta mad as he took off towards the battle.

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