chapter 9

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Appearing back to the Time nest. Chronoa congratulated trunks and Aoi on their mission.

What a amazing job you two did. You not only defeated cooler, you eliminated the problem at it's roots without disturbing the flow of time. Good job, complimented the elder.

Trunks, Mai wants you to help cook with your mother ASAP. You can give me your report written before leaving. But be on guard in case something like this reoccur. There have been too many time disturbances.

I agree, though why would they interrupt the timeflow? Just do they get from it? Questioned trunks.

Well we'll find out sooner or later, in the meantime...

A white orb appeared, followed by the face of the grand priest.

Well hello Chronoa, is Aoi here?

Greetings grand-sama and yes he is. He just came back from timpatroling.

Good, I'm sending him two attendants in hopes of aiding him in watching over the multiverse timeflow. Also their job is simply do whatever he wishes. Whatever his desires maybe. Even if he has certain....urges.

In a bright light two females appeared.

the first is Soda.

The second is Fae

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The second is Fae

These are the only two of the remaining of the extinct attendant clan

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These are the only two of the remaining of the extinct attendant clan. Now with out further delay, Have a nice evening.

with that being said, the Grand preist left the blushing trio while both attendants smirked amused.

In an unknown era Age 784.....

You will pay for what you did to my hair you little brat! Finished the woman who looked to be around 18 yrs of age.

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