chapter 4

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Good job, Aoi! You're becoming the ideal example of what a time patroller should be" stated a short pink lady with wide hips and rear.

"It was nothing really, if it wasn't for the help of teamwork, the mission would've been a failure" stated Aoi with his team looking on in embarrassment.

"Hey, you don't have to put us on the spot bird man".

Oh come on Tarlem, he's just doing his job as the leader and our best friend.

"True. But are you saying that because you like him, Mayuubi?" Teased Tarlem before being put in a choke hold courtesy of the Majin.

Care to say it again?

Ahem' anyway be sure to drop by  my house later on. 
After aiding goku against freiza and cooler. You three deserve a day off, but should we need you...

"We'll be right here Chronoa" stated Aoi.

While you're at it, be sure to return Gine back to her era. she has already seen enough as it is and have been with us since you rescued her during your mission against Vegeta and Nappa. By the way, she's from your timeline.

I won't forget elder.

Good, now hurry along now.

"Yeah" it's your 16th birthday, now hurry and enjoy yourselves.

Sure, with that Tarlem, Mayuubi and Aoi exited the time vault.

Alright guys, I'll go see what I can learn from master Goku before coming back to join you guys. See ya! Tarlem shouted while flying away.

So Mayuubi, wanna go out with me to go shopping before I leave to return Gine? A quick latch to his right arm was the answer from the pink female Majin with a huge blush. Hehe'' alright, let's see what going on at the apartment.

Afterwards, both warriors appeared in Aoi's living room behind Lagss and Gine watching him and Goku face off against Cooler and Freiza. To be honest, Aoi beat the living scrap out of Cooler with out transforming. When he did though, his DEshelds ripped through Cooler's body like a knife cutting butter before being engulfed into ashes by a strange green energy wave from Aoi.

Enjoying the show?

Master Aoi, it's good to see you're back. I assume you had fun?

Indeed, I did at least.

What about you Gine? He asked but all he got was her head down in shame.

Ummmmm, guys can you give us a second?

"Sure master Aoi. Mayuubi, let's fix Master something to eat" stated Lagss as she went to the kitchen followed by Mayuubi.


Why am I so weak? All of you are stronger than me and yet you refuse to destroy one simple planet. So tell me, why? Are you going to look down on me like the Elites at home? All because I'm a Lowclass? She spoke before breaking down crying in front of Aoi.

No I won't look down on you, that is a fools doing. Secondly I never had to destroy a planet because i was deemed weak with a power level of 8. Third, I don't like the rank Elites. It's only a title, what does matters is can you back it up. If it makes you feel better, I'll help you train on every two days out of the week whenever I'm off. Sounds good?

Really? She asked as Aoi wiped away the tears.

Yep, now let's eat before we go shopping. It is my 16th birthday ya know.

Huh? You're the same age as me. Sorry about what happened a moment ago.

No problem, let us eat! Upon reaching the kitchen, Mayuubi and Lagss already had a nice plate of meatballs and spaghetti ready for him and Gine.

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