chapter 8

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Wow, gohan seem to be holding his own now that he reached supersaiyan 2, huh?

A portal appeared with three metal coolers.

Hmmm' this will be Interesting indeed.

Is the cell games opened to anyone? If so, I would like to challenge that Saiyan over there, Cooler said while pointing at Aoi.

Cell smirked. Of course, let me be the first to welcome you to the games. Come one, come all. The cell games are open to any and every one.

Now I can take revenge for what you did to me on Namek.

Oh please, as if. Let's hurry up and get this over with. I have things to do, he finished while getting in his stance as his DE-shields flexed before glowing blue.

Oh indeed, its time for your death! Stated cooler as he summoned 12  more copies.

On Planet Vegeta.....

A challenge you say? Well it won't matter because in the end It won't be my business any more since my successor will take charge. I've decided that my son Freiza will be in charge the next time I return.

By the way Queen Vegeta, my son has a far shorter temper and is more colder than I am' finished King Cold.

I will take that into consideration your highness.

Good, I went through a lot of trouble as of leaving him at home. You should know how eager children can be at times.

Anyhow, you probably are wondering why I'm telling you this? Don't get the wrong idea. Through my sources, this will be the last time we speak as ruler to ruler. That's all I have to say at the moment. Farewell Queen Vegeta' said Cold before entering his ship.

Excuse me your highness? If I may be so bold, but are you still going to put together your team?

What team? Oh, you mean the New type corpse? Of course i'm still pulling that group together. They will only take orders from me and me alone. The leader of the group will be lead by Cooler, however at the moment Bonyu is in charge temporarily until Freiza's coronation.  I take it the New-type has returned?

Yes, he have. But he had to leave and handle business with lady Beerus.

Hmm, interesting. He must be very special if Lady Beerus has her sights sets on him.

Very well, when you see him, tell him to report to me asap. I'm sure he's able to pick up my daughter's presence. After all, New-types tend to sense one another presence easily.

I'll be sure to relay your message to him as soon as possible, stated the queen in a humble tone.

Watching the ship leave, the Queen began wondering about what Cold was talking about. That was until her brother approached with his followers behind him. 

Its time Little sister. The time for a new leader who will lead the saiyans in triumph!  Declared VegetaIII as the crowd behind him cheered in agreement.

Vulgar and the rest of the Queen's followers stood at attention while some were cheering for their current leader, much to VegetaIII annoyance.

Let us head to the arena at once my dear brother.

Hmph' ofcourse we will, stated the third as he and his sister flew to the arena.

Both warriors landed as the arena filled up quickly due to word spreading like wildfire. Every elites were present while the remaining Saiyans that couldn't find a place in the arena either listened to the scouter or just plain outright squeezed in the arena.

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