chapter 6

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Next morning

Your majesty! I have news that the Newtype saiyan has returned last night! announced one of the guards.

He is? Have him come to me at once! This matter is of very importance! Hurry!

Yes mam!

After the solder left, Vulgar came in while in his royal armor.

Good morning sweety, enjoyed last night? She asked while approaching him with a smirk.

Hmph' how could I not when I have all the buns in the world, he said while reflecting a smirk of his own.

"Once this matter is over, we will then continue where we left from last night. And of course we're going to make more babies. Now, walk with me to the throne room. I don't feel safe with the rest of the guards like I have with you" she commended while swaying her hips.

Anything for you your highness, Vulgar finished as he followed the Queen who had a sway in her step.

****Elsewhere, secret rebellion****

In a secret location under ground with a great portion of planet vegeta's top class Elites. The leader in charge is none other then Prince Vegeta, Elder brother of Queen vegeta who was deemed unfit to lead and like the rest of his company, he too doesn't like the Low-class in particular the one where all goods were.

 The leader in charge is none other then Prince Vegeta, Elder brother of Queen vegeta who was deemed unfit to lead and like the rest of his company, he too doesn't like the Low-class in particular the one where all goods were

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So, its true then. That disgrace of a Saiyan abomination has returned, Am i correct?

yes, your highness. He was last spotted in the Low-class neighborhood with three females last night' informed one of the spies as most of the elites

This could work in our favor, in a way. looking towards his right, the future proclaimed king asked his second in command a question.

Is the project almost finished?

"Yes, but it will need to charge for at least a week for the full potential use. However, it can be charged quickest in one day" finished Gerkin.

I see. There's no need to rush the plan, All that is needed is patience. Afterwards, we will return the saiyans back to its glory. But first, we'll make in example out of that Low-class group first, then the world!

Your excellency, what about the Queen?

Do not fret over that matter. I'll challenge her to a one on one. I wont kill her until she's with the Low-class, then I will end her along with anyone else who challenge my authority. Let it be known, my brothers and sisters. Today, I will challenge my sister for the throne as soon after the meeting with King Cold.

Once that is done, we will then begin eliminating any and all threats to our traditional ways. I'm mainly referring to the one Low-class neighborhood that has been picked above the Elites!

After his speech, soon everyone cheered. Walking from the shadows and into the light next to his father is none other then Prince Vegeta the Fourth.

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