chapter 10

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After the battle between the two royal siblings. King Vegetalll was deemed Victorious and is now the newruler.

Meanwhile, the saiyans loyal to the ex Queen were all stationed at the lowclass residents. Due to the division among each other. The elites loyal to the ex Queen were no longer considered elite warriors but instead, was considered lowclass traitors.

They were given only an hour to migrate to their destination before the king's new law go in effect.

At the moment, the queen is located in Aoi's house inside the rejuvenating tank, which is made of a foreign crystal from beneath the surface of planet Vegeta.

Well, she should only be in their for at least 17 minutes at the most, which is expected due to her possessing a decent amount of A-saiyan cells.

Wait, what? What do you mean by A-saiyan cells? Questioned vulgar.

A-saiyan cells are short for Alpha saiyan cells that is passed down through genetics. It also allows one to access their potential fully. Others, it allows them to go beyond and helps gradually increase recovery and makes their zenkai boost improve vastly larger. The queen possesses all the atributes I've stated, so she should be fine, stated gine while pressing a few buttons as the process continued.

Hmm, interesting.

You on the other hand much like Aoi, possess way more then the queen and her brother combined with all elites together.

You guys have so much, that it's unmeasurable.

Vulgar listened to the woman intently, but his thought was on the queen.

Saiyan cells are one thing, but newtypes is another.


Yep. Like that claw you made earlier.

You see newtypes are beings that has unmeasurable potential. Some of them have been known to minipulate time, physics, reality, some have even been known to do the impossible through possibility.


I'll let Aoi tell you the rest due to him being one of them.

I suppose you'll wait for her majesty to awaken. In the meantime take the sofa and relax. I have a feeling she will be waking much sooner.

I'll see about looking for you guys something to eat.

Much thanks miss..?

Just gine and please be sure the queen don't be hard on herself.

I will.

Okay, bye. Leaving vulgar to himself. He had only one thing in mind.

Possibility, huh? Hmmmm.

Gine's house....... Guest bedroom..

What were you thinking? You could've been hurt or worse! Hana raged on.

Naugher said nothing as his mother raged on.

Meanwhile both of his elder siblings surprisingly said nothing insulting like they normally. They too, were worried about him. Though, they'll never admit it.

Huo, like the mother was also angry at their youngest child. Ever since they abandoned Aoi and witnessing him transform into the legendary supersaiyan. They were horrified and realized their mistake. The queen didn't make it any better. After beating them to an inch of life, the queen announced their foolishness as parents who should've spent more time with their child rather than looking for a special one.

When Naugher was born. He had a power level of ten. However, like his brother Aoi, he has a pure heart and would soon pass his elder siblings in power on his 5th birthday before achieving supersaiyan out of instinct while training with his mother. On the same day, Vulgar would take him under his wing as his student.

His elder siblings were jealous for a while due to their parents overprotective nature of their youngest sibling. But after a few of training with Naugher and taking advice from him. It wasn't long before they attained super Saiyan aswell. After that, they haven't had much hatred towards him at all. If anything, they unknowingly became closer.

But with him willingly disobeyed his parents by sneaking into the arena on top of interfering with the match with vulgar.

Nashi, did you and Aio knew of your brothers scheme? Questioned Hana.

No, mother. I was out searching for Fasha and Turla.

And you Aio?

"Hanging with cacoto, mam" he replied quickly.

"Sigh' I just don't want neither of you to get in harm's way" replied the mother of the three.

Umm, mother? Why are you so worried about us?

It's not like any saiyan should care at that level.

"It's complicated". "Now let's turnover for today and prepare for tomorrow" stated Huo while saving his wife the trouble.

Right on que a vortex appeared in their room followed by Aoi and three unknown people.

???Seriously, I still think you should've warned me about that damn woman not knowing how to cook Aoi.

Aww, and what fun would that be trunks? Besides, I doubt you would've listened, even after I told you three times already.

He did tell you trunks.

"Why thank you Fae."

Your welcome master.

"Sigh' this is embarrassing" muttered trunks while putting his head down.

"Ehem' are you two done? Because we do have company" responded Soda while pointing at Aoi's family.


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