chapter 3: Another Supersaiyan? The re-emergence of a Newtype Destroyer

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"I won't let you get away with this!" Shouted Aoi as he showed his supersaiyan power to the max while creating strong wind gusts.

The Saiyans present were so in shock that they couldn't move due to being petrified with fear. Neither of them never realized that Aoi charging straight towards them.

At the last minute, Vulgar with his experience and timing, he appeared in front of the Saiyans and intercepted Aoi with his bare hands as his eyes changed green for a moment.

What the hell are you fool's doing?! I gave an order to fall back, now do as I say! He commanded before auto dodging   but couldn't dodge the world shattering uppercut as he sailed up in the air before Aoi appeared  above with a haymaker sending him down through the mountains.

W-wait?! He defeated Vulgar with ease! Spoke Hana in disbelief.

"I know, it's hard to believe that a child has that much power, a power higher than the Queen" finished Huo while the other Saiyans murmured among each other until they heard a voice that they all knew to fear. When they realized the Queen of Saiyans was present along with the rest of the Saiyan Elites.(the Queen)

"What's going here?! I want an explanation! Hana, explain what happened here, now!" She demanded before her eyes landed on the strange winged Saiyan

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"What's going here?! I want an explanation! Hana, explain what happened here, now!" She demanded before her eyes landed on the strange winged Saiyan.

"Who is that?"

"My queen, that's the.... lowclass that was born with the power level of 8" finished Hana in a humble tone with her head down.

"What! Impossible!" Exclaimed the Queen.

"It is true your highness. During our findings it turned out that he was friends with the Tuffles and this creatures you see lying dead before you. Especially the giant red one" finished Huo.

Who is responsible for destroying the native creatures of the planet? She asked while unleashing her aura.

The solders quickly pulled away while leaving Hana and Huo alone.

I see, it looks like you can't seem to keep yourself under control of your actions. I TOLD YOU TO NOT KILL THE NATIVE CREATURES DUE TO THE RESOURCES PROPERTIES THEY POSSESS! She shouted at the two miserable couple.

"U-umm, your Majesty? They forgot to t-tell you that the lowclass also achieved the legendary transformation. As you can see his hair gold along with his aura" stated one of the Saiyans.

For the second time Queen Vegeta was shocked before looking at the strange Saiyan and noticed the glowing yellow hair, the aura and the menacing green eyes. So it's real. The Saiyan legend isn't a myth, it's real" she said in awe at the thought of attaining that state. Perhaps I could... persuade the child into joining and have him to teach my daughter how to transform" thought the Queen.

I'll deal with you two later and for your sake I hope there are surviving creature's, spoke the Queen before slowly floating to the young supersaiyan. However, what she didn't know is that Aoi could read her intentions. By the time she neared him, he gave her a hostile glare before giving his full attention.

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