Chapter 5

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A day before their travel to Hogwarts Percy was eating dinner along with everyone when Tonks , Kingsley , Moody and Mr. Weasley entered the kitchen with tired but jovial expressions on their faces . 

On seeing her husbands' happy face Mrs. Weasley asked with surprise " Arthur , What happened you are looking happier than usual ? " 

But it was Tonks who answered cheerfully " Minister was shaken to core " . 

Everyone looked at Tonks with puzzled expression wondering what she is saying about . 

" What Tonks means is a committee of  ICW has confirmed the missing of dementors " Kingsley said in his deep voice . 

Fred and George yelled with largest grin on their faces  " Then Harry could not be surely expelled" .

Soon the table erupted into cheers congratulating Harry by hugs and patting him on his back . But the cheerful mood was brought down by Moody who said in a angry tone " Yes Potter will not be expelled . But it is not one dementor that is missing , nearly one fourth of dementors are missing" . 

Everyone looked like something had sucked air of their lungs on hearing that  expect Percy and the golden trio who shared knowing grins . 

Sirius stuttered unlike him " Wait . that means ---" . "You know who has started his recruiting " Mrs. Weasley in a trembling  voice . 

" But at the same time the ministry will atleast try to understand the return of Dark lord right ?" Lupin said trying to cut the tension in kitchen . 

Moody barked " Not like the whole ministry believes it . Fudge is still trying to deny the truth of his return " . 

Sirius said with utter bitterness " During the times like this I wonder whether Fudge is a death eater or not . How can he still deny his return even after the mass missing of dementors " . 

" But I think atleast some more ministry workers are believing Dumbledore right ? " Mrs. Weasley asked hopefully . 

" Molly you won't even believe it but nearly now half of the ministry is believing Dumbledore" Tonks said brightly . 

" Yes . A little bit persuasion is enough to make them join the Order " Mr. Weasley said with a kind smile on his face . 

Mrs. Weasley said shakily " We aready knew dementors will join You know who but the other news is unexpected . At least one good thing happened in Harry's trial " . 

" Yes Molly . Now Fudge is regretting for even keeping the trial in first place " Tonks said with amusement . 

" Besides that minister is facing other problems " Kingsley informed . 

" What are they ? " Harry asked curiously eventhough he know what the problem is . 

" ICW . They lashed out at Minister . They  charged the Ministry with fifty thousand galleons for the missing of dementors and they had given four months time to the minister to round up the missing dementors . If not the minister will be sacked out of his office for allowing the potentially dangerous creatures to roam freely " Mr. Weasley replied with a satisfied smile on his face . 

" ICW could do it , for allowing dementors to roam freely ? " Hermione asked with curiosity . 

" You see Mi'one during the first wizarding war the dementors not only attacked the magical community but also the muggles . Imagine how confusing it will be for the muggles who couldn't even see the creatures to see their family members doing nothing having a blank look in their eyes like a brain dead person " Hermione shivered at the thought " This caused a huge problem in both magical and wizarding world . Many don't know how to solve it , so ICW came with a solution to disguise their members as doctors in muggle hospitals and to close all the cases as brain dead cases and to modify the memories of those who had seen the souls sucked out in front of them . Still it is a question among the muggles about the number of brain dead cases during those years " . 

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