Chapter 9

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Percy sighed for the thousandth time looking around the class who were all trying their best to not sleep. He looked up and was met  by the sight of Umbridge looking around the class with a sweet smile on her face causing him to throw a discreet glare at her . 

Percy yawned tiredly while his stomach growled in hunger . He looked at his watch and there is still thirty minutes for the class to end . Percy groaned in annoyance and glared at the book sitting at the desk in front of him which is one of the main reasons for his annoyance . 

He wanted nothing more than to eat and have a good night sleep. The past days were tiresome, with the Quidditch tryouts in which he was fortunately selected as a chaser and having to deal with Harry's anger which according to Dumbledore is a reason of Voldy's connection with him . 

As if responding to Percy's thoughts a loud voice which undeniably belonged to Professor Mcgonagall boomed in a worried tone  " ALL THE STUDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO GO TO THEIR RESPECTIVE COMMON ROOMS IMMEDIATELY AND ALL THE PROFESSORS ARE REQUESTED TO COME DOWN TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE CASTLE " . 

Percy shared a confused glanced with Katie who whispered " What do you think it is ? " 

Percy shrugged " Dunno " looking at Umbridge who bit her lips in worry and asked the students not nicely to go to their common rooms before dashing out of the classroom . 

Percy followed Katie out of the class and noticed everyone was swarming to their common room like bees, some with a worried expression, some with excited expression and others with curious expressions wondering what it was about . 

On their way to the common room, Percy saw a bushy brown hair which he  will identify even in amidst a mass crowd like now without a mistake. On either side of her Harry and Ron were looking around like searching for something , more like someone . 

Percy approached the trio whose backs were turned to him . Percy tapped slightly on Ron's shoulder causing him to yelp loudly clutching his heart . The other two whipped around at an amazing speed startling him by pointing their wands at his neck . 

Percy immediately raised his hands in the universal gesture of peace . Once they both realized he is not a threat , they lowered their wands sighing in relief . 

" What a warm welcome ? " Percy said sarcastically clutching his heart pretending to be hurt . 

" Man I was nearly scared to death " Ron said at the same time still clutching his heart . 

Percy smiled at him innocently like he did nothing .

"Sorry man . Rough day " Harry apologized pocketing his wand .

" So what happened. You all looked like you were all searching for something " Percy asked looking at the trio waving off Harry's apology.

" More like for someone " Harry corrected . 

" You " Hermione said simply looking at her boyfriend's sea green eyes with her brown ones . 

" Me " Percy asked half surprised and half curious why the three were searching for him , knowing Hermione she would have gone to the common room and started her duties as a prefect by not allowing anyone to leave it and she would have definitely dragged Ron along with her . 

" Yes " Hermione confirmed with a nod . 

" Why ? " Percy tilted his head narrowing his eyes at the trio who were exchanging worried glances . 

Finally Ron whispered " Werewolves " causing Percy to gasp in shock . 

" Not here Ron " Hermione hissed punching Ron on his shoulder . 

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