Not the Goodbyes That Hurt

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A long book title accounts for a long chapter title.



Marinette could not believe what she was seeing.

W-Was that really-

Mullo, looking a bit sad, floated out from her purse and perched on her shoulder, followed by Barkk who flew silently above Marinette's head.

"N-Nooroo!? You're back!? B-But how—I thought—Is the miraculous healed!?"

"It is," Nooroo said, slowly flying in towards his holder.

"I missed you, Marinette." He said as he gently hugged her cheek.

Marinette's trembling hand covered his head as she let a tear slide down her cheek.

"I missed you too, Nooroo—" Her other hand found itself over his head, gently clutching the purple, oval-shaped brooch he carried.

"He was way too eager to see you. Couldn't stay in the bag." Master Fu emerged from behind the corner.

"Master!" She smiled warmly, greeting the small man.

"Let's head inside. Don't want my kwamis to awkwardly meow when they're spotted." She laughed, much to Master Fu's confusion.

Marinette clumsily grabbed her keys and turned the lock, it opened with a customary click and she welcomed them inside her humble abode.

"Have a seat, I'll make you some green tea if that's what you like."

Master smiled in approval.

Marinette had noticed the old man was obsessed with green tea, she'd seen boxes and boxes of organic green tea from various Asian countries stockpiled together in a seemingly forgotten corner of Master's kitchen.

Once, he ordered so much, even Amazon was out of stock.

She had to eBay it and THAT never ends well.

There were tea bags.

Painted green.

Green Tea.

The sellers sure had a sense of humor.

Sighing, she headed out with the prepared tea, placing it in front of Master as she continued to gaze at her former miraculous.

"Little Mouse, you're going to retire as Multimouse, right?" Mullo, quiet for the first time in her life, asked.

"I'll have to. I fight better as Iris. And it reduces the risk of exposing two miraculous to danger at the same time if I get caught.' She smiled sadly and looked at Barkk.

The seemingly aloof, sardonic kwami flew closer to Mullo, "She's right. She was never meant for us. It's the butterfly miraculous she's supposed to hold. It was wonderful working with you, Marinette." Barkk bowed in respect.

Mullo hugged her finger tightly, "I'll miss you, Little Mouse! You were an amazing listener, and a good fighter too! You're the best Multimouse I've ever had!"

Marinette smiled at the two kwamis, "I'll miss you two too." 

Nooroo, back to his former sarcastic self now, chipped in, "Maybe letting Chat know Iris is back? That way, it won't be suspicious if you somehow return the miraculous without him knowing, since Iris isn't supposed to know who Multimouse is."

"You're right." She nodded approvingly as Master gave his consent, "Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise!"

To say those words again felt utterly blissful. She was being engulfed in her same purple ensemble.

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