The One Who's Next

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Somehow, I am very proud of the title-

Idk why-


"Would it help if we had more allies?"

Marinette took a hot second to process that.

"O-Of course, but how will we even—wait, there are more miraculous than the existing ones!?" She feigned incognizance, a necessary step to protect her former identity as 'Lady Iris'.

"Yes, Marinette, there are. Although, I don't think—" His speech drifted, fading into the night air.

She tilted her head in anticipation, waiting for his words.


"So, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was your choice, huh?" Master Fu smiled knowingly.

"H—What—How did you know!?" He and Multidog formerly visited the proclaimed Guardian to purify the amoks caught by them after their first fight together against Galacta.

"I know everything."

Wayzz wisely kept his mouth shut.

"Excellent choice, if I do say so myself."

Chat blankly stared at the old man in front of him.

"I meant that as a hero, of course. Not that I know her personally—" he covered up, "She seemed to do her job well."

"I am, however, very intrigued by the fact that you chose her. You seem to have a good eye for people." He said.

"Uh, Thank you, Ma—" he guiltily began.

"Paw-lease~" Plagg interrupted their conversation.

"You give him too much credit. He denied giving pigtails the miraculous initially. He didn't even choose a holder in the next few minutes and then when Galacta attacked, this idiot was sucked in before even giving it to anyone. He neither gave the miraculous to a person, not explained the kwami and superhero stuff. He got lucky pigtails saw the miraculous on the ground and was quick and smart enough to realise what it was meant for. This dude would have been squashed cheese if it weren't for her."

Adrien sighed, "He's right though."

"Ah, but you don't give yourself enough credit either, Chat Noir. Neither do you him, Plagg. Remember, it was he who chose the correct two miraculous, and even considered Marinette before rejecting her. You did so because you love her, eh?"

"Y—Yes." Adrien gently blushed.

"You have the heart of a hero, Adrien. A gentle, kind, caring one. And one of a lover."

Adrien stared.

"But, I don't think I can come up with perfect, useable plans spontaneously. And often, I let my emotions get the better of me."

"Emotions, Chat Noir, are very useful weapons. If expressed and perceived correctly, they can often prove valuable in a fight."

"Like most shounen anime—"

Plagg smacked him.

"However, he who lets his emotions get the better of him, can not possibly fare well in life. Nor in a fight. To defeat emotions, one must experience every emotion. I am not saying that you should turn into a cold, feeling-less puppet. Instead, acknowledge each emotion for what it is. Each feeling, every moment of happiness, anger, fear, awe, curiousness, everything. Embrace these feelings. Save them. Engrave them into your hearts and you shall know what I mean. Don't get carried away. Don't let your loose emotions guide you. That is one of the traits that make a hero. That is one of the traits vastly present in your former partner, Iris. She was an expert in leaving personal feelings behind. Of course, if not timely emoted, they may build up and explode. That is something that should never happen."

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