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She knew it would happen someday.

She knew it would hurt.

She thought she was prepared.

She was wrong.

Because when he said those words, even after she anticipated everything, it was like a bullet to her heart.

"Who are you...?"

But she promised she'd find him if he was lost.

She promised she'd love him if he hated her.

She promised she'd protect him if he was in danger.

She promised she'd help him if he was in need.

She promised she'd remember him if he ever forgot.

She smiled sadly, tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey. I'm Marinette. Nice to meet you."


The miracle box was in the right hands now. Where it was supposed to be from the very beginning. It was with Guardians who had trained all their life for the sole box. Guardians who'd dedicated everything to the protection of the miraculous.

An old monk named Su Han, the leader of the Guardians of the Miraculous came to them with a request.

He said he was from the Order of the Gardians, situated in Tibet.

He promised he'd keep the box safe, now that there was no use of it in Paris.

Although they hated to part with Nooroo and Plagg, they had to.

Paris was safe now. There were far different places in much more need of the miraculous than theirs. Holding the miraculous back for their selfish reasons would only cause them harm.

Chat resisted. A lot.

He didn't want to lose his memories of her. Especially when it's barely been a month since their marriage.

But Iris was always the level-headed one. She locked her emotions deep down. Shutting them tightly. Never to open them again. She convinced him to relinquish the box.

And she promised him she'd come back to him.

The guardians erased the memories of the miraculous from every civilian's mind. It was a secret no one was supposed to know.

The miraculous were never heard of ever again. Every interview was deleted. Every poster was destroyed. Every video from the internet was taken down. It was like a normal life without everything was reset.

Except her.

She told Su-Han her story and after a minute of considerable,  he allowed her to keep her memories.

She did promise after all.

If it weren't for the miraculous, she and Adrien would have never been where they were now.

There would be no Lady Iris and Chat Noir.

She needed her memories.

But having everyone's memories of the miraculous wiped would not be a bad thing. It would be better for Adrien too. His father would never be the villain. He'd never have to fight his family.

If it fixed everything but only caused her pain, she was willing to do it.

And so she did.

She carried the burden everyday as the blissfully unknowing city walked on.

The Miraculous Which Was Never HersWhere stories live. Discover now