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Analise's POV

"A few days. Just five days. Then I can finally leave this place behind me." Evelyne, my best friend, grumbled, as she sat across me at the table. She frowned as she went through the last assignment of our school year.

"You have been repeating the same thing for the past hour Evie. I think I got it." I said as I went over my own work. Flipping the last page, I closed the file.

"Because I need the motivation to do this." She said, irritation clear in her tone. "Who gives an assignment during the last week of school?" A groan escaped her as she aggressively flipped pages while I leaned back and watched her, amused.

"Mr Johnson does." She sent me a glare. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Done!" She exclaimed, slamming her file shut and beaming at me, pride gleaming in her eyes.

"Keep it down, Miss Scott!" The librarian's voice reached our table from not far away and Evelyne just gave the old lady an awkward smile.

"You are so noisy, Miss Scott." I mimicked the librarian's voice, knowing very well what she would say when we passed her desk on our way out.

"You should learn the basic rules of being in a library" Evelyne added, grimacing. We both held our laughter in. Getting scolded by our librarian- a petite woman in her mid-sixties, with a round face, pale skin with occasional wrinkles, always wearing a severe, strict face- has become a routine for Evelyne to the point we already know the exact words. "I know the drill."

"I think everybody knows. Miss Evelyne Scott- The most famous name in the library. Not for good reasons though." She rolled her eyes as I added the last part.

"Trust me, she will miss me once I get out of this hell hole. Why?" She asked. "Because she will not have anyone to scold anymore and her job will be boring." She answered her own question, glancing at the librarian.

"I highly doubt that!" I scoffed.

"Speaking about leaving, what are you going to do?" Suddenly the mood changed from a light, joyful one to a heavy, tense one as she raised the question I have been avoiding for so long.

"I have yet to decide." She frowned, waiting for me to continue. "It's not an easy choice."

"You are not considering going back there, are you?" I stayed quiet knowing very well what 'there' meant- My family. "Ana?"

Evelyne and I have been best friends for years now. When I first came to the school, she was not yet enrolled. The first day she came, I caught her crying alone. Her parents were omegas in her pack. Hence, many people looked down on her and her family. She was bullied by fellow members of her pack. That day was our first conversation. Then with every passing day, we confided in each other and now we were best friends. Over the years, Evelyne has changed a lot and I could not wait for her to go back to her pack and show the people there what she is made up of.

"It's not an easy choice Evie" I sighed, fumbling with the pen in my hands. "You know how difficult it is for me to decide"

She placed her hands on mine, clasping them together and looked me in the eyes, a warm feeling enveloping both of us. "I know. I can't choose for you. However, if you need somewhere to go, you can come to my pack. My parents are omegas. Nobody cares about what we do. You could stay with us. I am sure they would be more than happy to have you at our house" She gave me a small smile. "You are not alone Ana. I will always be with you. Don't let their words affect you anymore. This is your life. Their opinions don't matter. Not after what they put you through."

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