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Analise's POV

Anxiousness and nervousness form two hands around my throat as we drive back to the castle. After spending some more time by the sea, we finally had to head back to the palace much to my dismay.

It felt funny how I did not want to go and then I was the one not wanting to return back.

Ever since we left the villa, there has been this gnawing feeling building up inside me, growing stronger as we near the palace. Though, I could not decipher what the feeling was or why it there in the first place.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked, giving my thigh a squeeze.

"Hmm." I simply hummed in response, my mind occupied by my tangled thoughts.

"Are you sure?" He asked again, his voice gentle. I looked to the side to find his eyes resting on me, concern etched on his face.

"Yeah." I gave him a light smile as I threaded my fingers through his that were resting on my thigh. "Just a little nervous."


"I don't know." I sighed. "I just feel weird somehow."

"Are you sure you are fine? Did you get sick? Was it because of the swim last nigh-"

"No." I reassured him. "It feels like something happened or will happen. I don't know."

"It's probable the stress about the meeting with the vampires and the war. Don't worry too much about it." He brought my hands to his lips, pressing a kiss on my knuckles as he refocused his attention on the road.

"Easier said than done." I leaned back in my seat, my shoulders slumped.

"I know what can fix it." He said, a small smile on his lips.

"Enlighten me your highness." I joked.

"Later tonight, I can give you a massage. It happens to be my speciality." He sent a playful wink at me, causing to let out a chuckle. His words instantly lifted my moon. I felt the nervousness dissipate, though it still remained in the back of my mind, lingering and warning me of the inevitable.

"That would very much be appreciated." I beamed at him. "To that also add sleeping while cuddling for the entire night." He rolled his eyes but nonetheless smiled. I focused my attention on the scenery, waiting for the castle to come in view.

Not long after, Alexander pulled up in front of the castle. "I'll see you at night in your room." Alexander informed me before pulling me in for a kiss. Getting out of the car, we both went our separate way, to our rooms.

I was just about to change out of my clothes when the doors to my room flew open as the person stepped in without knock. The string of curses that were about to leave my mouth get trapped in my throat at the sight of a fuming Alexander.

"Xander?" I closed the distance between us, placing my hand on his bicep. "What happened?" I asked tentatively. My eyes fell on his clenched fist, his knuckles white.

He took in a deep breath, unclenching his fist as he spoke. "Diana and Adrian are in trouble and I have no clue where they are in this goddamn castle."

"Come on. Let's not waste anytime." I left my room, Alexander on my side.

I walked briskly to the nearest guard and asked his about the whereabouts of Adrian and Diana. We followed the instructions of the guard and took several turns before finally reaching the guarded double doors.

"Open the doors." I commanded as soon as the guards' attention were on us. They complied to my orders.

The doors slid open and I stepped in the room only to freeze with the first few steps. Adrian and Diana were on a elevated part of the stage at the other end of the room. Both of them looked like they had been through hell. Adrian was on the floor gasping for air, his hands around his neck while Diana's angry shouts were directed towards Rayan who wore a smug look on his face as he looked down on Adrian.

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