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Analise's POV

The room was big for a dining room just for the royal family. I still remember that the castle had several dining rooms. One just for the royal family, another one for when other kings and queens came and lastly one for big feasts.

Even if the castle looked the same from its exterior, the interiors had changed. The once dull, brown walls of the dining room were now painted white with beige borders and beautiful golden designs carved giving it a more modern look.

On the opposite side of where I stood, there were two big arc windows with curtains secured to the side, allowing the moonlight to enter the room. Between the two windows, there was a fairly big fireplace. On the mantel, stood several candleholders with lit candles. Behind the candles, the family sword was displayed in all its glory as it has been for the past years. Higher on the wall hung a portrait of my family, making a wave of sadness rush over me.

On the left side of the room, there were two doors which I would be guessing lead to the kitchen or other hallways to get here. The right side of the room was void of any decoration except for an ancient grandfather clock.

In the middle of the room, there was a table with around 10 chairs arranged around it, all perfectly spaced with two at the head of the table and the remaining evenly spread at the side. Food was yet to be served as only cutleries were placed on the table along with a few small flower decorations in the middle, on a long table runner with a few candle holders. On top of the table hung three chandeliers, the middle one bigger than the ones at its sides.

I diverted my gaze from the decorations only to be met with several pairs of eyes -my family- staring back at me. Different emotions- shock, anger, loathing, hatred and even disgust- swirled in their eyes which they did not even try to hide from me. At that moment, I did not know what to do but I did know that things were not what I had been hoping for.

At the head of the table, sat my father. On his left sat my grandmother who I was shocked to see, followed by my mother. On his right, sat Rayan followed by an unknown girl but I was guessing she was his mate and lastly, Rayna.

Seeing them all sitting as one happy family, I could not help but feel like I was intruding. My father still looked like he did all those ago with the same blue eyes, black hair and sharp features except for a few more wrinkles. As for my mother and grandmother, they looked even more gorgeous than they were. The people who did change were my sister and brother.

Rayan was no longer the short, meek boy. He was grown with a well-built body and his brown hair which he inherited from my mother was perfectly styled with not a single strand out of place. His face was no longer chubby and his hazel eyes were now of a darker brown.

Rayna was no different. She grew up to become a beautiful woman. Unlike my brother, she had inherited my father's black hair but my mother's hazel eyes. However, her hair was now dyed auburn with a few blonde highlights and her eyes had turned a bit darker too. Sitting there with the perfect posture and etiquette, she looked like the perfect princess unlike me.

The unknown girl was pretty too with her ash blonde hair, emerald eyes and soft facial features.

None acknowledged my presence except for my father who just nodded at me and motioned to the empty seat which was next to Rayna. I felt like I could throw up at any moment. This whole situation was frustrating to me. 

As I sat down, I could feel Rayna glaring daggers at me but I decided it would best to ignore her. My mother who sat on the opposite side, looked at me up and down, taking in my appearance. Ignoring her, my eyes met that of my grandmother and all of a sudden I felt guilty but a gentle smile from her made me a bit at ease.

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