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Analise's POV

"Good morning Teddy bear." I said cheerfully- a bit too cheerfully for 6 in the morning. Alexander seemed to agree with my thoughts as he grumbled a long chain of incoherent words under his breath, his eyes opening slightly before closing back again.

I pressed a quick kiss on his lips. "The only good thing about mornings is you."

I let out a laugh as his hands around me loosened enough to let me out of his embrace. I untangled my legs from his and got off the bed.

"I miss you already." He groggy voice came out muffled as he shifted until he laid on his stomach, his face buried in his pillow.

"That's what you say every morning." I reminded him as I kissed his cheeks before making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Although it had been only a week since my first day at the kingdom, I felt like I was there for decades. Whatever I wad missing in my life seemed to have been found as I came here.

'You were meant to be here Lizzie.' Crescent reminded me.

During the past week I have grown accustomed to the ways around the kingdom, the different people and their roles, made more friends and formed a bond with them- something I never experience with the werewolves.

The unity and solidarity among the demons is really fascinating since they contradict every rumours where it had been mentioned that they were cold, selfish and simply cruel but it was not the case.

They treated each other better than werewolves- those who are said to be in packs and loyal- treated each other. They trusted each others with their lives and I was grateful that they had looked past the enmity between the two kingdoms and welcomed me in their kingdom.

This kingdom- my kingdom- and its people -my people- had became a part of me. Over the course of the last week, almost everyone had known about what happened back at the werewolf kingdom which helped me gain more of their trust.

Also, most of them -if not all- already know about my powers and the fact that I am a black wolf. It was a tough choice to make considering it had been only two days since i had arrived.

However I had yet to gain all of their trust and people still doubted everything I said at meetings, always questioning my ideas and suggestions. In the end, I decided to tell them about my powers.

Sharing that piece of information indeed worked in my favour. Not only did it help them know me better but i could freely participate in training and shift in front of everyone, enabling me to get to know them better through the few training sessions we had.

The best part about the past week was Alexander. He has been nothing but patient with me as I got used to the new life at my own pace.

He was always there by my side, informing of every little details I needed to keep in mind, answering every questions, clearing all my doubts, listening to all my worries, advising me when I had difficulty solving problems brought up to me by the people and pushing me to strive.

He knew exactly when to not interfere, letting me solve the problems on my own, leaving me to use my abilities to the best and pushing me our of my comfort zone all the while learning new things.

He also knew when to interfere. At times where I felt completely lost during meeting due to the lack of knowledge of their full history, he would step in. Though he would never completely solve the issue.

He would give hints, guide me in the right direction and helping me whether I might have made a mistake. When people would get too blinded by the past between our kingdoms and take their hatred and spite towards werewolves to another level and started using their freedom of speech for the wrong causes in meeting, he would put them in their place- or out of their place in the meeting room.

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