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Alexander's POV

"Why are we here?" She asked as I opened her door, offering her my hand as she got out of the car. Her eyes darted from the theatre a few feet away from us back to me, her eyebrows scrunched slightly.

"You will find out soon." She rolled her eyes at my answer, her lower lip protruding in a small pout but did not say anything. I held back a smile as I took her hand in mine, leading us through the deserted parking lot to the entrance of the theatre.

Just like I had asked for, the theatre was opened, despite being past the opening hours. Max- the owner of the theatre- stood outside the doors, leaning against the wall as he waited for us. Seeing us, he stood straight.

"Welcome. I was waiting for you." He beamed at us. His smile faltered slightly when I responded with a curt nod, not in the mood to exchange pleasantries. I came here for something else. If I wanted conversation, there were more than enough back at the castle.

He turned on his heels, motioning us to follow him. As we entered the theatre, Analise tugged my hand, urging me to lean down as she said in my ear, "Can't you be nice." She gave me a pointed look as I stood back to my height.

He closed the doors before leading us to the snack area as he went behind the counter, pressing switches to turn on the led lights around. Upon Analise's request he started the popcorns, filled a cup with coke, pretzels and a packet of gummy bears while I just asked for popcorn and coke. As he worked the counter, Analise tugged my hand again.

"Don't you think he is irritated that he has to do all of this just for us?" She said in a low voice as she looked at the man behind the counter.

I shrugged. "He cannot be irritated." I paid him a significant amount of money for this night and had already informed him about these services to which he agreed without any retorts. Taking the handful of junk food, Max led us to one of the theatres.

"The movies will play one after the other." Max told me as I passed through the open doors. I gave him another nod which earned me another glare from Analise who was a few feet ahead of me.

I rolled my eyes at her but nonetheless said, "Thanks." With that being said, her glare disappeared in a flash, replaced by a small smile as she turned on her heels and sauntered away. I shook my head as Max closed the door, leaving us alone in the room and I followed her to the seat she chose- in the middle of the last row.

She plopped down in her seat, careful not to drop any of her snacks. She set the popcorn in the left cupholder and her coke in the right one, the other snacks on her lap. Sitting on her left, I kept my drink in my left cupholder and the popcorn remained on my lap.

The lights dimmed except for the light from the screen where the credits had started rolling. Instead of looking at the screen though, she was staring at me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Did you really book the theatre for the two of us?" I nodded. "Till when do we get to stay here?" Her eyes lit up as she asked.

"Until you want to leave." I had arranged for us to have the theatre till sunrise but if she wanted to stay longer, negotiations could be made. "Watch the movie."

She nodded excitedly, popping a few popcorns in her mouth. The opening scenes began and I felt her relax beside me, her eyes fixed on the screen in front. Movies were never really my thing but if it meant I could spend time with her, I would gladly do this over and over again.

She frowned for a quick second before her eyes widened slightly and her hand with a piece of gummy bear stopped halfway to her mouth. Her head snapped in my direction. "You got them to play Maze Runner."

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