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Analise's POV

I no longer felt my feet as I ran with all the force left in me. I did not know where I was going. There was only darkness. No matter where I turned, I saw only darkness. But I knew I had to keep going. I could not stop.

My feet gave up and I tripped, falling on my knees. Tears fell freely from my eyes, wetting my cheeks and my mind clouded with different scenarios. I was panting for breath as I felt my heart clenching and the pressure on my chest increase tenfold.

A low yet menacing growl in the distance forced me to keep going. They were still behind me and I no longer had any strength or motivation to fight. Gathering all the strength I had left I scurried to my knees, faltering a little.

I saw faint silhouettes in the distance and ran towards them, finding hope again. Relief flooded through me as I neared them. I let out a shaky breath as the familiar faces of my family came in view. They were all standing there, looking at me as I ran towards them.

The relief was short lived as I saw there expression change into one of hatred and anger. Fear filled my senses as I approached them. They all had the same expression as they eyes my weak, trembling form- a wicked smile.

"Help me." My voice came out as a faint whisper, my voice shaky. Instead of them helping me, an echo of evil laughs resonated in my ears, and echoing in the distance.

"You are nothing to us. Why should we help you?"

"You are such a burden."

"You are weak."

"Help yourself or die for all we care."

Their mocking voice haunted me as I felt myself giving up, too tired to keep going when there was nothing at the end.

I felt my heart clench as they all turned and walked away from me, laughing at my misery. With every step they took, my resolve got weaker and I felt numb. I no longer felt anything. No happiness. No nervousness. No sadness. No anger. No hatred. No fear. Nothing. I felt like a living corpse as I awaited my damned fate with open hands.

I could hear the growls, like the ticking of the clock, each time closer to me but I did not move. It was too late and nothing could be done. I fell to my knees again, my hands clenched into fists as I felt the growls in my bone.

While I was still crying, I felt someone's hand under my cheek and I opened my eyes to see the face of none other than my mate. I was shocked to see him but also a slight relief. Unlike the others, he had a look of adoration on his face as he gave me a little smile, his eyes soft and encouraging. In this prison of darkness, he was my light, guiding me.

"You can do it." He said, wiping the tears from my face before he got up and started walking away.

"Don't leave!" I found myself shouting behind me. He turned to look at me. "Please." I sobbed

"I won't" He reassured me and his voice held a promise. "You have to get through this. I know you will fight this."

I saw Crescent step up next to him. "You will fight this Lizzie." Both of them left.

Their words replaced the haunting voice of my family. They played in my head on repeat, non-stop. I no longer cared about what others thought about me. They did not matter. Only Crescent and Alexander mattered to me. As long as they believed in me, nobody could bring me down. I would not let them. I would never give up.

I would rise, even if I was on my own because I knew they would be waiting for me. It was worth fighting till the end because they were at the end.

They have to be there.

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