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Analise's POV

"I never intended to hurt you"

His words have been replaying in my head for the past week non-stop. I did not know how to interpret his words. Ever since the incident I have not talked to him again. In fact, I barely left my room, afraid I would lose control again. On the rare occasions I did leave, it was either for meetings or to eat after which I immediately retreated to the comfort of my room. I wanted to talk to Alexander again but I could not find it in myself to do so. I was embarrassed that he witnessed my panic attack. I could not even imagine what he could be thinking about me and I was not eager to know about them.

I was surprised by his attitude towards the entire situation. He did not leave me as I was. Instead, he helped me get over my panic-stricken state and took care of me even after I had gotten myself under control. I did not know how but he knew exactly what he had to do in order to help me. I was grateful for his help. As much as I hated to admit it, if it was not for him, I would most probably have done something dangerous or stupid. It could have dangerous for me as well as the others.

What was most shocking though was waking up and seeing him next to me as he held my hands. I was surprised that he stayed by my side all that time. Even if he said it was not long, it was. I clearly remember the time the meeting ended. It was around 8 at night and when Alexander left my room, I had checked the time. It was around 2 in the morning. Just the mere thought that he sat by my side all those hours watching over me, made me feel flustered

After all this time, I finally felt like someone cared for me and it felt good.

However, it did not mean that all his previous actions would be forgotten. He still had his explaining to do because he said it himself- he had came to clear some things with me but we did not get the chance and the past few days were not exactly in our favour. Thankfully he has yet to break our promise.

At the reminded of our promise, I felt my cheeks heat up. Due to Malcom, I have this habit of doing the pinkie promise with almost everyone while making a promise. I was so thankful that he went along with it and did not make any comments or worse, ignore it.

With my mind clouded with these different thoughts, I did not even realise where I was going until I found myself on the quieter side of the castles. This area was unkempt compared to the rest of the castle.

The usual cream coloured wall were covered with a rather thick layer of dust, giving it a dirty, grey colour. The familiar golden details along the wall were hidden. The hallways were slightly dim due to the closed curtains. Tiny dust particles floated around, making the air sooty. The corners were adorned with spider webs as little insects crawled over the place. The hallway was deserted apart for the dust covered tables and artefacts here and there. The vibe in the hallway was enough to give me the goosebumps.

Without thinking, I advanced down the hallway as if an invisible force was pulling me. I did not know what it was exactly. I let my hand trail on the wall, leaving a trail in the midst of blanket of dust on the wall, revealing the original colour of the wall in the process. Dusting my hand on my jeans, I continued walking.

A strange sense of familiarness hit me at once, making my heart pick up its pace. All of a sudden I just wanted to run away from this creepy part of the castle and never look back. Somehow I felt connected to this area. Gathering my wits, I forced myself to keep walking. A gasp escaped my lips as I reached a beige double door. My breath hitched in my throat as I realised where I was.

My clammy and shaky hands found the doorknob and I twisted it slowly. The door creaked open to give view to a dark room- my room. I stepped in, closing the door slowly behind me. My heart hammered in my chest as I took in its state. Everything was left as it was that night.

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