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Analise's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked, perplexed as we rounded a corner, taking a different turn from the one leading to me room. I tugged on his arm as he walked a few steps ahead. "Someone might see us." I whisper-yelledl, looking around to ensure we were the only ones in the hallway.

"They won't." He reassured me, pulling me forward so that I was walking beside him. Shaking my head, I continued walking, keeping my eyes peeled for any possible guard lurking in the corner.

Despite looking like every other hallway in the castle, it felt unfamiliar as a different scent lingered in the air. We passed several rooms but never once did I see a guard around which was surprising and disturbing given that the vampires could easily infiltrate the castle without us knowing.

Finally we came to a halt in front of a room and Alexander opened the door, gesturing for me to enter. As soon as I entered the room I already knew where I was. The scent was now all too familiar and gave the same feeling of comfort- home.

"Why am I in your room?" I asked taking in the room. The room was no different than mine. The room was well kept with everything in its place. The few clothes that were not in his closet were neatly folded and kept on the side and honestly, I was not surprised that he was sort of a clean freak.

"Can you spend the night with me?" I turned around, facing him as the question left his mouth. He passed a hand through his hair, advancing towards me until he stood in front of me. His hands went around my waist, pulling me flush against him. A small smile spread on my lips as he continued. "I want to spend more time with you."

Still smiling, I replied, "Okay." In response, he offered me one of his rare smiles that literally melted my inside in mere seconds.

"Thank you." He leaned down, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I'll get changed and come." I nodded as he let go of me, disappearing in the walk-in closet. Sighing, I let my eyes wander around the room. Since I had left my phone in my room, I had nothing interesting to do.

My eyes fell on his nightstand. There was a random book resting on top of it unlike the other books that were placed neatly on top of each other on the coffee table in the room. It somehow piqued my interest and I found myself advancing towards it.

As I was still studying the beautiful cover of the book, a piece of paper fell out of it, landing near my feet. Picking it up, I realised that there was also a picture along with the piece of paper. Flipping the picture over, I could not help but be in awe. There was a beautiful woman with long black hair flowing till her hips, her dark blue eyes shining as she beamed at the little boy standing by her feet, gripping onto her dress. Both were standing in front of a beautiful field of flowers.

I instantly recognised Alexander and there was no doubt that the woman was his mother. They were so identical. Alexander looked so cute and carefree in the picture, just like any toddler should be. There was this glint in his eyes as he looked at his mother so lovingly. I could not even imagine the pain that was inflicted upon him by the death of his mother, no less by his own father and in front of him.

Opening up the piece of paper, I realised it was a letter- To Alexander from his mother. Not wanting to invade his privacy already more than I did, I folded it back again. A feeling of guilt started growing in the pit of my stomach, rising till my throat as I realised that I was just looking at something extremely personal to Alexander without his permission.

"What are you looking at?" I jumped when I heard Alexander's voice as he stepped out of the closet and I cursed myself for being so stupid for going through his things. Goosebumps erupted all over my skin as I felt him wrap his hand around my waist, pulling me against him as he placed his chin on my shoulder, looking at the picture and letter in my hands.

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