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Analise's POV

A smile immediately hit my lips as I entered my room. The warm and comfortable sense of Alexander's presence filled the room and his masculine scent immediately filled my senses. Indeed, I saw a dark figure near the window.

Dusting the non-existent dust off his shoulder, he moved away from the window, out of the shadows of the dark night. Seeing him was enough to me feel at home again and without wasting any time, I closed the distance between us in a few steps.

The tiredness hit me like a truck at full speed as I snaked my arms around his torso, letting go of myself. Sensing my tiredness, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me straight. "Hey." I mumbled as I rested my head on his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I could hear the slight concern in his tone as he tightened his hold around me.

"Just tired." I have not gotten a blink of sleep since last night when we left for the theatre. Still, it was probably one of the best times I had in my life.

We had the theatre all to ourselves and I could just be myself. I could laugh whenever I wanted and I could do whatever I wanted. I could shout at the characters. I could bawl my eyes out if I wanted and I knew I would not get pointed stares from people nor would I be judged by anyone.

Alexander's presence made it even better. Despite his non-existent love for movies, he still arranged all of this so that I could have a good time. On top of that, he stayed by my side all the time. I knew he was not interested by the movie but I was glad that he did not go on his phone which would have made me feel like I was boring him. Even if he spent half of the night staring at me instead of the movie, I had a great time.

Whenever I would make some comment about the characters, he would just let out a laugh and at the rare times he would actually watch some on the scenes, he would say something here and there which only proved his dry sense of humor. Also, he put up with all my demands regarding the tonne of junk food I ate throughout the night.

The highlight of the night though was definitely the way he panicked when he saw me cry when one of my favourite characters- Newt- died in the third Maze Runner movie. The panic in his eyes were clear even in the dim room as he had cupped my face, repeatedly asking me if I was okay while wiping the tears away.

Ever since we got back home, I have been so caught up with meeting, Evelyne and my grandmother that I had completely forgotten about taking a rest and right now I was paying for it.

Alexander backed us up till we stood near my bed. I pulled away and he made me sit on the edge of my bed before removing his shoes and getting on the bed behind me. "What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes feeling heavy.

He did not say anything as he set my hair free from the torturous ponytail that I did hours ago. As soon as the hair tie was out of my hair, I felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off me as the pressure that was on my head for the past hours slowly dissipated.

He threaded his fingers through my locks, removing the tangles as they fell down my shoulders. His fingers went back on my head as he started massaging my scalp. I let out a content sigh at soothing feel.

Involuntarily, I leaned back on him, my head resting on his chest as he continued easing the pressure on my head. "This feels so good. Thanks." My voice came out drowsy as my eyes threatened to close but I could not sleep. Not now.

"Did you think about the riddle?" I asked as I remembered why we met in the first place tonight. It's been two weeks now since we have been trying to decipher the riddle with the help of the others. In the course of the two weeks, we have sent groups to search for the stake at the three places marked by the black she-wolf mark.

Later, we tried the outdoor gardens of the castles at night under the moonlight. We even checked some places that were built by the old werewolf kings but it was all in vain.

"Where did you find her diary?" He asked me.

"A room down in the abandoned part of the castle."

"Did you ever try looking for it there?"

I shook my head. "It said under the moonlight and there were no windows in the room."

"Did you go during the day or night?"

"Day." I realised that I never went there during the night. "But still, there were no opening from where sunrays or moonlight could enter the room."

"Black she-wolves have magical powers." He reminded me.

"It could be." I contemplated the idea. I never searched every nook and corner of the room. Besides, that's where the prized possessions of the black she-wolves were kept so there was a chance Amelia hid it there.

"Do you want to check it out tonight or tomorrow?" He asked, slightly concerned.

"I'm fine. Let's do it tonight." I said, fighting off the sleep.

"Sure?" His hands slowed, trailing down my hair and resting on my shoulder. I hummed in response. Getting off the bed, we exited my room, careful not to draw any attention from the guards. After a few turns, we were in the abandoned part of the castle, away from the prying eyes of others.

Alexander intertwined our fingers together as we walked silently in the abandoned hallway. Despite the first time when I came here, the hallways no longer reminded me of that night. It was just an old, ruined hallway. I don't know what changed in me but ever since the night at the motel, my nightmares have become less frequent. And the few times, I have had nightmares, it would not end up with me being engulfed by darkness. Instead, I always came out victorious, defeating all the demons.

Soon, we arrived in front of the room. Muttering a spell, the wall slid open, revealing the dark room behind it. The wall slid back in its original position as we stepped in the dark room. Just like the last time, I illuminated the room using my magic. "No moonlight here." I said, advancing towards the bookshelf.

I pulled the same book like during my previous visit, showing the secret passage. "There is another room though." Alexander followed me as we descended the stairs. My eyes fell on the golden lectern. "Look." I pointed towards the object directly under a ray of serene moonlight.

"It must be under it." He said as we got closer. We moved the lectern to the side and indeed there was a black hexagon shaped box resting on the wooden floor. Without wasting anytime, I opened it. The was a silver ring nested on a piece of black cloth with the symbol representing the black she-wolves carved into it.

"Where does this go though?" I looked around the room, trying to figure out the rest of the riddle. "She said it would open a door."

"If Amelia hid it with hopes that no one finds this again, I am guessing that whatever door she was talking about is connected to magic." He took the keys in his hands, studying. "How did you know that a spell was used in the forest?"

I shrugged, "I felt it."

"What about in this room?" He asked. "All black she wolves have the same magical abilities excluding your elemental magic. Maybe you can find if magic was used here by trying to connect with it or something?"

"I can try." I replied, taking a deep breath. Relaxing, I allowed some of my powers to seep through the room, getting in every nooks of the room. Waves of glowing, white light was spread across the room. Slowly, I felt the presence of more magic in the room.

A small smile played on my lips as I focused all my powers to that particular point. The waves that had been spread throughout the room were now converged, all moving towards one of the shelves in the room. "Behind the shelf." I said as I realised that my power was passing through the books and wooded material.

Alexander moved the shelf and indeed my power was fixed to a point on the wall. I muttered a spell and the first layer of the wall faded away. My powers faded as I approached the wall, relieved when I saw the symbol on the wall along with a keyhole. "Found it." I said, opening it and acquiring the stake we had been looking for.

"Let's go now. I really need some sleep." I saidas I fought back a yawn

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