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Analise's POV

"Start." He said as he took a few steps backwards. Rayan and I circled each other, none of us making the first move. He eyed me cockily as if he was sure he would win. While he was busy celebrating his future win, I eyed him up and down, trying to spot any weak point. His weakness right now was that he was taking this very lightly. His defence was weak and his moves, sloppy.

I waited for him to make the first move as his patience slipped away slowly. Giving in, he used his werewolf speed, coming in my direction. I focused my eyes on him and his moves appeared slowed to me. When he was few feet away from me, he aimed a punch at my stomach which I blocked. Not slowing down, he kept throwing punches and kicks at me which I easily blocked. His blows got stronger as he realised he was not hitting me.

As he aimed another punch at my face this time, I caught his fist in front of my face. Using my speed, I rounded him and stood behind him, twisting his hand behind his back, earning a groan from him. Using my force, I pushed him to the floor.

I took a few steps back as he got back to his feet, flexing his arm in the process. His demeanour changed as he realised this would not be so easy after all. He let out a small growl as his wolf tried taking over but he controlled it. In swift movements, he was next to me. Form the corner of my eyes, I saw him lift his foot, aiming for my head but I ducked just in time and swept him off his feet. He fell on the mat.

Murmurs went off in the crowd as they saw him laying on the mat. He punched the mat, irritated and agitated, before getting up. All murmurs went off as he glared at them. This time, he did not come straight for me. Instead, he circled me and due to his werewolf speed he looked like a blur to the others, difficult to see, but in my eyes, he was not.

I stood where I was as he circled me, following his movements with my eyes. Slowly, he started moving closer to me, still circling around me. Once he was at arm's reach, I punched him straight in the face and he stumbled. Before he recovered, I threw an upper cut, him making step back. I refrained from using all my power as I did a roundhouse kick causing him to trip and fall on the mat, groaning.

He quickly got up as his eyes glowed and his claws extended. I looked at the referee who had yet to say 'shift' but he ignored it. I scoffed at his partiality and remained quiet even if Rayan was clearly not following the rules. Nobody dared to call him out as they kept watching us. Claws extended, he dashed towards me but I used my speed, moving out of his way. Before he had the chance to realise what was happening, I was behind him. I kicked him hard in the back and he groaned as he went to the floor.

'Why are you holding back Lizzie. Just put him in his place'

"Trust me Crescent I want to rip his heart out."

Rayan got back up and charged towards me. He tried getting a punch but I was faster again as I grabbed his hand, preventing him from moving. Before he could do anything, I collided his face with my knee. He lost his footing and fell, pulling me down with him as he grabbed my arms. We rolled over on the mat until I was finally on top of him. I punched him repeatedly in the face. "Shift!" My dad's second in command called out.

I expected Rayan to shift but he did not. Instead a light glaze appeared over his eyes and I froze in my tracks from confusion. He was communicating with someone. He looked at me with a smirk. Before I could realise what happened, I was knocked off him as a body collided against me. I landed a few feet away from him and a groan escaped me from the impact.

Numerous gasps was heard from the crowd as I looked back to see a big brown wolf staring right at me. "Stand back." My dad ordered as some people tried stepping in since this was clearly against the rules. I saw Rayan get up and shift into his black wolf.

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