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Analise's POV

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed, shocked at the bomb Evelyne just dropped on me. "Please tell me this is a joke Evie."

"I am serious Ana." She was sprawled on my bed as I sat on her side, looking down on her. "Rayna is Axel's mate, or was Axel's mate."

"Evie you can't just barge in my room and tell me that Rayna and Axel are mate without any explanations."

"Were." She corrected me.

"Evie, I need an explanation. A detailed one." I nearly whined as I laid next to her on my side.

"Calm down, I am getting to the explanation." She turned on her side, facing me. "So, remember I told you she was flirting with Axel and insulted me in front of them but Axel remained quite?"

"Hmm." I hummed in response.

"I confronted Axel later about that." She sighed. "Basically, a few years ago, your family were visiting the packs. Rayna met Axel during their stay at my pack. At that time, it had been less than a year since Axel was Alpha and our pack was not high up in the rankings like it is presently. So, Rayna rejected him."

"I never expected that from her." I admitted. "Yeah she can be really rude and obnoxious sometimes-"

"Sometimes?" She interrupted me.

"Okay, all the time." I rolled my eyes. "But I thought she would love her mate. I guess what they say is true then. The mate bond no longer has the same significance it did long ago." My mind drifted to what happened last night at the pond.

"Yeah." She agreed. "When I went back to my back after graduation, I met Axel and it turned out I was his second chance mate."

"I don't understand something. If you are Axel's second chance, then was he your second chance too or your first mate?" I asked. "Because if he was your first mate and Rayna did not reject him, then what would happen? It's very rare to have second chance mates."

"I never thought about that." She admitted. "Let's make as if he my second chance mate too. What about my first mate then? Is he dead? This is confusing." She sat up straight let out an irritated groan.

"But maybe he is your first and only mate?" I suggested.

"I hope so because I am not interested in having complications in my life."

"Since we are talking about mates and complications, I have to tell you something." I admitted. After thinking about this, I finally decided to tell her about Alexander. She was my bestfriend and she could help me figure this out. Before I could speak, my mother barged in the room, fuming.

I sat up straight on the bed and said in an irritated tone. "You talk about etiquette all the time but don't know about knocking?"

She was about to say something when she realised Evelyne was here too. "Oh dear, I thought-" Her voice came out soft and caring.

I rolled my eyes. "Drop the act. She knows everything."

She looked taken aback for some time but composed herself quickly. "You missed lunch. You know that it meant disrespect to the other leaders."

"Nobody actually minded Ana." Evelyne reassured me.

"Luna Evelyne, you are not familiar with the ways around here in the Royal family." She said sternly.

"Oh well, go ahead your highness. I would love to learn more about how the royal family treat their daughter." She glared at my mother. "From what I heard, it seemed kind of unique"

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