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Analise's POV

I wanted to shut my eyes. I did not want to see the scene in front of me. I wanted to stop my brain form processing what happened. I wanted to stop my nose from smelling the scent around me. I wanted my hand to move. I wanted my mouth to move. I wanted to speak. I wanted to shout.

But I was too deep in shock.

My eyes remained open, wide in shock and disbelief. My brain processed every detail of what just happened. The scent engulfed my every senses, making me realise that it was not a dream. My hands remained at their side, too scared to move. My mouth was agape yet nothing came out of them. The only sound was that of my heart breaking and Crescent's howl of pain.

I wanted someone to wake me up from the terrible nightmare. I wanted it all to go away. I wanted it all to be fake. A vision or a fragment of my imagination. I wanted the body of the person in my arms to disappear.

I wanted it to be someone else and not my grandmother.

As a tear slipped from my eyes, if felt like I had been brought back to the harsh reality. I realised that it was true and nothing could be done to undo what happened. She took the hit for me. She protected me. She sacrificed her life for me.

"No." I said in disbelief, my voice shaking as more tears blurred my vision. They gathered before falling on her pale cheeks, drop by drop. "No. No." My hands moved as I cupped her cheeks, my hands trembling.

A sob left my throat as I saw the skin on her feet turn into stone. "Please no." I sobbed, feeling my heart breaking into pieces at the sight in front of me.

"Don't leave me. Please." I begged her as the stone continued moving up her body. Her breathing turned slow. "You cannot leave me." I shook my head vigorously, my tears falling like an endless stream, my voice cracking.

As I saw the vampires and others coming my way to attack me, I made a huge dome of fire around us as spikes from the earth emerged, circling the dome of fire, making it impossible for them to enter.

"I won't let you leave me." I said, determined. I took in a deep breath before doing the most powerful curing spell I learnt in school.

I studied her legs once I was done. I felt a glimmer of hope like a candle in a dark room promising light as the stone did not move further up her legs.

As soon as my lips tugged into a small smile, I saw the stone start moving up again, slower that it previously was. The only effect the spell had was that it made it spread slower.

"Grandmother. No." I cried, my body racking with sobs causing me to shake.

Her weak hands covered mine as she gave me a small smile that was nothing compared to the bright grins she used to give me.

"Analise." Another sob escaped me as I heard her voice. Her usual jovial voice was replaced by a voice without any happiness. It was filled with pain and sorrow.

"Please don't leave me. I beg you." I rested my forehead on hers. I heard the people attack from the outside as the spikes shook but I could not care less.

"It is time for me to go." She kept het smile while I was crying, breaking apart in front of her.

"Don't say that." I choked out a sob as memories of us for the past months flashed in my mind. "We have not even spent enough time yet." She shook her head slowly when my eyes started moving down to look at her skin.

"Don't" She simply said, her hands trembling around mine.

"You have not yet seen our kids." I cried harder, remembering her teasing words. "You cannot go. Please. Please. I need you."

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