Chapter 3 - The Bell Test

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Y/n pov

"Good morning Naruto!" I yelled in his ear to wake him up.

"Good morning Y/n" He mumbeled, took his clothes and went to the bathroom.

I locked my door and changed into my ninja outfit. Then, I went in the kitchen and filled three cups with coffee.

When Naruto came out, I gave him a cup and walked to dad's room and gave him his cup.

"Bye dad, have a nice day, I'll come to T&I later" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

Then Naruto and I left. We walked in a comfortable silence until we arrived at the training ground. Sakura and Sasuke arrived simultaneously to us.

"Morning!" I greeted them all.

They mumbled 'morning's and then sat down. Seems like my teammates aren't morning persons.

"Kick me when Sensei arrives" I said and sat down.

After I heard an 'okay' from Naruto, I went to my subconsciousness to visit Tora.

"Hey Tora!" I yelled and jumped on her.

"Hi, little tiger" She greeted back.

I just layed on her head and scratched her ears even though they are like, as big as me!

"Someone is going to kick you in two seconds" Tora said.

"Thanks" I said and went out of my subconsciousness in time to catch the foot and hit the person in their stomach.

"Oww" I heard Naruto say. I had my vision off but now turned it on.

"Thanks for trying to kick me, you got me back! And morning Sensei!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah good morning. Today, we'll be doing the bell test. Your task is to take these bells from me, you have until noon to do that" He said.

"But Kakashi-Sensei, there are only three bells but we are four people" Sakura noticed.

"Yes, that is because one person will definitely fail. And the person who doesn't get a bell, doesn't get lunch" Sensei said and as if on cue Sasuke, Naruto and Sakuras stomachs growled.

"Nee Y/n, why isn't your stomach growling? Did you eat?" Asked Sakura suspiciously.

"No, I'm just used to not eat or not eat much" I said. Naruto looked at me worried.

"When was the last time you ate?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"..." Sensei raised an eyebrow.

"Anyway, let's start" Kakashi-Sensei said.

Sakura went to hide in a bush, Sasuke hid in a tree, I went in another tree and Naruto stayed outside.

'There is no way that a freshly graduated Genin could win against a Jonin and Ex-Anbu. So that means that this test is probably about teamwork!'


"Ya know, compared to the others.. you're a little odd" Sensei said.


Then, Naruto ran at Kakashi but he dodged and went behind Naruto. Kakashi made a sign and was about to use the 100 death technique but I appeared in between them and blocked Kakashi, who disappeared after that.

"Naruto, you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine tattebayo!" He said.

"Nee Naruto, wanna work together?" I asked, hoping he would use that brain of his.

"No, sorry N/n but I have to make this alone or I won't be able to become Hokage!" Naruto exclaimed and went of to search for Kakashi.

Then, I went to search for the others to ask them and found a unconscious Sakura. I released the Genjutsu she was in and she ran to search for Sasuke so I went to do the same.

"AHHHH! SASUKE-KUN IS A HEAD!!" I heard a scream and ran in the direction.


I arrived to see Sakura unconscious... again and in fact, Sasukes head. I chuckled and walked aver to him. I pulled him out of the ground and dusted a little dust off him.

"Want to work together?" I asked him, hoping that he'd agree.

"No, you're just gonna be in my way" Sasuke said and left.

I sighed and concentrated on Kakashis Chakra. In the end, that wasn't necessary because he appeared right behind me.

"Don't you want to fight me for a bell Y/n?" He asked.

"Hmm actually, I wanted to do it with my team but they turned me down. But tell me Kakashi-Sensei, why are you underestimating us as much as to just fight with clones?" I asked.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I am a sensory and Taijutsu type" I said, smiling. "Oh and it wouldn't be fair for me to fight you alone"

Kakashi gave me a confused look but I walked towards the meeting point. Kakashi tried to ask me what I meant me but right in that moment the timer went off.

"I'm disappointed from all but one of you. Just one person was able to figure out the true meaning behind this test" Kakashi said.

He and the others then went back and forth with questioning until he finally told them the answer, teamwork. Sasuke ran at Kakashi but he doged and brought him to the ground, where he sat on him.


'Ughh my earsss. Toraaaaa, help meee pleaseee' I yelled at the tigress.

"No sorry, I can't do anything right now. But I will heal your ears a little" She answered.

'Thanks... sometimes I really hate my good hearing, ya know?' I told her.

"Huh? Where did Sensei go? And since when is there food in front of me?" I asked confused.

"Sensei left a few minutes ago and this is your lunch" Sasuke said and I nodded.

I took the food and began feeding Naruto and after a while Sasuke and Sakura joined.

A pissed Kakashi came but I just talked to Tora but tuned back in to hear.

"-those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum"

"Alight, tomorrow will be the first official day of team seven. Meet at the Hokage tower at 9" Kakashi said and left.

'Uhh why do I have this feeling that I missed something important of his speech? Ugh doesn't matter now, I'm tired'

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