Chapter 23 - The offer

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A/N For my idea of this chapter, please imagine that Tobi is already apart of the Akatsuki

Y/n pov

"What are you going to do to me now?" I asked them.

"Maybe we could eat them" The black/white person said.

"Definitely not, I'll sacrifice her" The one from earlier said.

I looked at him to see a Jashinism necklace hanging from his neck.

"I don't think that Lord Jashin would like me as a sacrifice" I smirked.

"Yass! Fucking finally someone who knows Lord Jashin!" He celebrated.

"HOW ABOUT WE TRAIN THEM" Someone suddenly screamed from behind me and I quickly covered my ears.

There was this fricking ringing again, so I quickly healed my ears.

"Hello? I'm talking to you!" The person who just screamed poked me.

"Sir, you just destroyd my eardrum. I couldn't hear you because I was busy healing it" I said to him.

"Oh, SORRYYYYYY" He screamed and Mr. Itachi wached him over the head.

"You iiot didn't you hear what they just said?" He sighed.

"Tobi, you can do whatever you want with her" The leader said and this Tobi jumped in excitement.

He took my hand and pullec me to his room, where his whole demeanor suddenly changed. He was probably undercover, but in a good way.

"Mr. Tobi - if I heard right - are you apart of the Uchiha clan by any chance?" I asked.

"How do you know?" He asked harshly.

"I'm blind, which means I need to be good at sensory. Plus, Orochimaru is my biological father" I laughed and he scowled. 

"So who are you really.." 

"Why don't you take a guess" He challenged me.

"Hmm let's see... from your voice I'd guess you're around Kakashi-Senseis age, so practically a grandpa" I said and received a whack on the head.

"We aren't that old!" He said and I smirked.

"Aright so you are the same age as sensei and you know him personally" I concluded.

"I'd say that you are eighter Shisui or Obito Uchiha" I said and already felt his nervousness.

"But because I know that Shisui lost both of his eyes and you have at least one... you are Obito Uchiha"

"You're smart, too smart" He said and I smiled.

"Thanks, now what are you gonna do to me?" I asked him.

"What if I gave you your sight back?" I was shocked to hear that.


"I could give you Uchiha eyes and as return, I want you to keep my identity secret" He explained.

"Hmm, I need to talk about that with someone first" I said.

'What do you think?' I asked Tora.

"I'm not sure but I actually think that it is a good idea" Tora answered.

'But what if the others find me while it's still healing?'

"Just take a risk for one's, after all its their fault that you're here anyway" She did have a point.

"Alright, I accept" I said.

"Good to hear. You'll stay here for at least three years - I'll make sure of that - and you can never tell anyone about the eyes or our place of residence"

I nodded and we went back out because the purple haired woman called us for dinner.

"The operation will be tomorrow" He said before skipping out of the room.

'I wonder if the others are even searching for me'

Szene change/3rd pov

Naruto, Tsunade, Jiraya and Shizune had only realized that Y/n was missing when they arrived back at the inn. They ran back but couldn't find them which brought them to two conclusions, 1 Y/n had run away or 2 Y/n had been kidnapped.

Because they didn't have any traces, they decided to go to Konoha and order a searching party to find you. That sadly didn't work, so Naruto went to train with Jiraya to get stonger and maybe get a trace.

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