Chapter 2: Iwatobi Swim Club Returns

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Chapter 2: Iwatobi Swim Club Returns

I’ve been avoiding it like the plague, both the school’s swim club and the town’s swim club. I just can’t bear to look at a pool, a shimmering reminder of the past. Seeing a pool would remind me of many things... My fear of water, my lack of confidence... Most of all it would remind me of the permeant absence of my brother and mother. I’m not sure what scares my more about pools, the water itself or the memories that pools bring to light. Sure, it could tell myself that it is JUST water and JUST memories but I can’t lie to myself... They’re both meaningful, having shaped my current life and personality. 

I must face the building everyday, the ‘Iwatobi Sim Club Returns’ building. It stands out, a colorful building that is always bustling with activity. Countless children, teenagers and adults pass through its doors, with smiles stuck on their faces, smiles that never seem to fade away. I can’t help but feel jealous, jealous of those who can interact so normally with pools. Am I the only one afraid of pools, afraid of water?  Each time I pass by the building, one of my brother’s most common sayings ring in my ears, ‘Fears exist for the lone purpose of making us stronger. If you face your fear, you become stronger. If you don’t, your fear becomes stronger’. He always encouraged me to face my fears, no matter how silly. 

I’m not sure what’s sillier, me being afraid of pools, or lingering outside Iwatobi Swim Club Returns for about twenty minutes. With a deep breath I force myself to move forward, one step at a time. Before I know it I’m right outside the entrance of the swim club, slowly reaching for the door handle. ‘Please, at least stick your feet in’, my brother’s voice says, replaying itself in my mind. I listen to him, entering the building sticking one foot in after the other.

The building is surprisingly welcoming. Many of the walls are painted various shades of blue, blues that, although reminding me of pools and water are strangely comforting. I suppose I should really admit to myself about what I’m truly afraid of. I’m not REALLY afraid of water... After all I take showers and drink water. I’m not afraid of pools, they’re harmless inanimate objects. I’m afraid of death, I’m afraid of falling. I’m afraid of falling, sinking, my lungs steadily being filled with water. I’m afraid of all the oxygen within my lungs, my very LIFE being forced out of me by the means of unrelenting waves. I’m afraid of drowning. Without my brother, I’m afraid I will drown, and no one will save me. 

I am brought out of my thoughts, brought back to reality by the giggling of children. There are children everywhere... Running to and fro, both boys and girls, some wearing swimsuits, some wearing normal clothes. All the while, an older man with bright yellow hair and goatee chase after the children. “Just WHEN is that new part timer I hired going to show up?” he exclaims, running a hand through his hair. I can’t help but notice that he is frazzled by the way he breathes a shaky sigh. 

“Umm...” I whisper, trying to work up the courage to speak louder, “Do you need help? I know how to swim... Perhaps I could help somehow?” I inwardly curse myself for speaking. Did you FORGET that you are afraid to go swimming without your brother? All you are going to to is embarrass yourself! Who wouldn’t laugh at a teenager who is afraid of swimming?

The man stops, mid-step, and seems surprised by my offer. “Really? That would be great! If you need a swimsuit, the women’s locker room has extra swimsuits in the first locker. Once you’re changed, meet me and kids by the pool,” with that said, he guides the children towards the pool, much like shepherds herd sheep. Just what did I get myself into? 

“Are there normally this many kids?” I ask the man I met earlier, who I now know as Coach Sasabe. 

Sasabe laughs at my wide-eyed, shocked expression. “Usually there is a fair amount... There are more than usual today, because I deemed today ‘Bring a Friend Day’, all of the members get to bring a friend, free of charge. It looks like many, if not all of the kids took at is an advantage to drag their friends along...” Inside the pool room, there are children everywhere. There are children looking out the large windows, children swimming, and children lingering outside the pool, unable to decide if they want to swim or not. “Luckily some older kids, err, teenagers I know should be showing up soon. While you were getting changed, I was pleading for them to come help us.” I merely nod in response. I wonder who is coming to help us... “For starters, could you jump into the pool and keep an eye on those kids using the kick-boards? They aren’t that good at swimming yet, and I don’t want anything to happen to them...” With a curt reply, I approach the pool, approach the source of my fear. You can do it! Just take it one step at a time, one step... 

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