Chapter 2.5: Memories-Tenth Birthday

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Chapter 2.5: Memories-Tenth Birthday 

“Hey, hey Nat, what do you want for our-err-your birthday?” my brother asks, with a sheepish smile. “I have a few ideas but...” I struggle to hide my shock. I forgot that tomorrow is our birthday! In my defense, Swim Lover magazine is an addictive magazine, and often can make you forget all your responsibilities. The issue that I am currently reading is an old one, with the main article being about our Mom. ‘I’m going to be retiring so I can focus on raising my children,’ one of the sentences towards the end reads, ‘I want to be able to focus on them, some of the few human beings that can make me smile no matter how upset I am.’ According to the article, my brother and I were two at the time. Two... Eight years ago... I sure do feel old now. To be honest, I’m not sure what I want... 

“I’ll like anything you get me,” I respond, itching to get away so I can get him his present. It seems that we’ll both be doing last minute shopping... My brother, seeming to have expected the response I gave fluffs my hair with one soft hand. 

“Same here, Nat. I figured you would say as much. Then again, you probably learned to be appreciative from me, your older brother,” he chuckles, knowing just how annoyed I get when he points out that he is older, but only by a matter of minutes. 

“Well,” I huff, crossing my arms, “I COULD have been older than YOU!” His chuckles turn into full blown laughter after my response. “In fact, you should be looking up to ME, I’m more responsible. In fact I ALREADY got you your present,” I must admit, the last part is a flat out lie, unless my poorly done drawing of Mickey Mouse counts as a present. 

“Can I have it now?” he asks, holding his hands out expectantly. My gaze shifts from his hands to his shirt. He’s wearing a shirt with Mickey Mouse printed on it. Gee, he has been wearing it a lot lately... He must really like Mickey Mouse. Perhaps I can give him the drawing after all! 

I dash out of the living room, nearly tripping on our old cat Mavis in the process. Mavis, deciding to follow me, gets to my bedroom before I do. I scramble to find it. Just where did I put it? It takes me a few seconds to realize where it must be. It must be under my bed, the dark cave of no return. How will I find it if it is under my bed? “Mavissssss,” I wail, tears starting to form in my eyes, “What will I do?” Mavis meows quietly in response, before slipping under my bed, the barren landscape that only she is able to successfully navigate. After a few minutes, she reappears, dragging a paper along, dropping it at my feet. She found my drawing! She found my- 

She left teeth marks in it. 

With a small sigh, I return to the living room, giving my brother the mess of a drawing. His eyes light up when he sees it, and he gives my tight hug before saying anything. “I love it Nat!” he exclaims, releasing me from his hug to admire it once more, “I’m sorry Nat, my present for you isn’t as good...” I playfully give him a shove. 

“If it’s from you, it will ALWAYS be awesome,” I respond, giving him a tight hug of my own. 

Even at a young age, I admired and loved my brother to pieces. Pieces... All that remains of my brother is a urn full of ashes. Perhaps I LITERALLY loved him to pieces...

Smile (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfic, RinxOC)Where stories live. Discover now