Chapter 3: Talks

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Chapter 3: Talks 

The time I spent at Iwatobi Swim Club seems to good to be true, as if it were all a dream. Could I truly overcome my fear of swimming? Could I really make friends here? I pull the slip of paper out of my pocket, the small sliver that contains numbers and beautifully written Japanese characters. Matsuoka Rin... He sure has nice handwriting. I can still remember when he handed it to me... 

“I’ve enjoyed talking to you, Natsuki-san” he says, reaching into his nearby tote bag, “It’s too bad you’ve got to go...” on a thin piece of paper he writes something in dark blue ink. “I’ve never been to America, but I’ve been to Australia. The beaches in Australia are stunning... Anyways, I’d like to learn more about America and you,” a slight brush forms across his cheeks as he continues, “You seem like a kind person. Living in foreign country is hard, isn’t it?” He offers me the slip of paper before he slips back into the building, helping Sasabe wind the kids down and get them ready to go home. I wish... I wish I could just stay a little bit longer... As I start to walk away, I can hear Rin call out in english, “It was nice to meet you, I hope to see you again sometime!” 

As I trudge home, obeying the order of my father, I finally get a chance to read the slip of paper. On it is his phone number, his name and... 

‘Feel free to text or call me anytime. Don’t worry, Japan isn’t as scary as it seems.’  

“You need to make some food, there was nothing for me to eat in the fridge,” my father says, being the first thing I hear when walking through the door. “It is nearly 4:30, you need to be home sooner, in order to get your chores done by the time I get home,” he adds, from his seat at the dining room table. His gaze is focused on his computer, with his fingers flying as he types something... He is probably in the middle of one of his email marathons. Unexpectedly, he glances at me, and takes note of my wet hair. “So you’ve been swimming, huh? I thought you gave it up. Giving it up is the wisest choice for you, you have no talent for swimming.” His words dig into me like a storm of knives, digging so deep that I nearly scream for mercy. 

“I should go grocery shopping,” I whisper, unable to speak louder without bursting into tears. My father clears his throat, a sign of his annoyance. 

“Don’t bother, we’ll just order something,” he responds, picking up his silver smartphone from the left of his sleek black laptop. “We’re getting cheese pizza.” 

“I NEED to go shopping or we will have nothing for breakfast tomorrow,” I say, clenching my fists, desperately trying to hold back the large amount of water that has accumulated within my eyes. My father grunts, showing indifference. I spin on my heels, and my sneakers squeak in protest as I dash out the door, back outside where I can finally let go. Why, one of the few times he decides to talk to me must he be so rude, so mean so... So.... HIM? Why does he... Why does he HATE me so much? I don’t even pay attention to where I’m going as I storm away from my father, the one man so close to me that he can hurt me with little to no effort. Why did my mother and my brother, the only kind people in my family have to die? My tears fall at an unbelievable pace, and soon blur my vision, making it impossible for me to see. I furiously wipe my eyes with my hands, clearing my vision just enough that I am able to realize that I have no idea where I am. Having no other person to contact, I decide to text Rin. 

To: Matsuoka Rin 

Hi. Umm... I know this is random, but I got lost.  

This is Natsuki Ami.

Sent 4:45pm  

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