Chapter 3.5: Memories-Mother's Day

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Chapter 3.5: Memories-Mother’s Day

When my brother and I were ten, Mother’s Day fell on the same day as the local swim meet.

My brother and I had been looking forward to it. We were hoping to be able to use the day as a way to make our Mom proud and happy, and to settle our most recent argument. “Mom smiles the brightest WHEN I win,” my brother claims, laughing at my outraged expression. “She likes to watch ME because I TRY AS HARD AS I CAN.” If I hadn’t of been so angry, I would have seen through him. I would have seen that he was just trying to motivate me, trying to get me to enjoy swim meets instead of treating them as an obligation. 

“IDIOT!” I holler, stomping my right foot for emphasis, “I swim BETTER than you, I just restrain myself, so everyone gets a chance of winning.” I cross my arms, trying to seem self confident and strong.

The whole day turned out to be a competition. We dashed about, trying to be the first to pack our bags, to be the first out the door, and to be the first in the car. 

My brother was graceful in the water. He was like a dolphin, an aquatic dancer, a stunning sight. He wasn’t only graceful but fast, easily leaving his fellow swimmers, and me, in his wake.  

That Mother’s Day, he swam with a smile upon his face, and a gleam in his eyes. He lived for that moment, the sensation of water enveloping his body, and the cheering of the ecstatic crowd. He lived for swimming, he lived for the water. The only way he could have been happier is if he had gills so he wouldn’t have to come up for air.  

When he won second place in the boy’s freestyle, my mother leapt up out of her seat and clapped like crazy. Her claps were so loud that it sounded like thunder.

Before I knew it, it was my turn. 

It was my turn to swim. 

It was my turn to win. 

It was my turn to make Mom proud. 

It was my turn to make Mom smile. 

I swam so fast that my arms throbbed and burned, as if they were set on fire. I swam in such fluid motions that I felt like a ballerina. I swam without restraint, without fear, without any wavering self confidence. I swam even when my goggles fell off, causing my vision to go from crystal clear to blurry. 

I swam to the best of my ability. 

I swam right into the side of the pool. 

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