Chapter 5.5: Memories- Disappointment

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Chapter 5.5: Memories- Disappointment  

My parents talk in hushed voices, becoming barely audible. My father angrily waves my report card in the air, his face growing bright red from the effort from trying to restrain himself from shouting.

My mother merely frowns at him, sighing deeply. What is there to say? She fails to come up with words to comfort him, and words to explain why I'm failing so miserably at school. 

"I bet that accident scrambled up her brain," my father mutters, earning a glare from my mother. "I do not understand her one bit..." 

"It would help if you TRIED to interact with her more than just when you feel the need to criticize her!" my mother responds, her words coming out in a harsh whisper. "Do you even know what her favorite color is? Or what her favorite meal is?"

"Why would I care to know such trivial things?" my father retorts, crossing his arms. "She needs to be like me and focus on her work more. She is going to get nowhere with these grades." 

"SHE is just a child," my mother hisses, her brows now furrowing together. "SHE should do more than just focus on her work. So should you! Do you even remember what MY favorite color is?" Without waiting for a response she storms out of the kitchen, leaving my dad to prevent the pot of noodles from boiling over.

After turning down the heat on the burner, my father gazes at my report card one more time before ripping it in half. In one swift motion, he tosses it into the trash. He spins on his heels, he spins to look in the doorway just in time to see me lingering. He shoots me a small smile and doesn't explain himself. 

I'm confused.

Is he trying to show me that I'm a disappointment?

Or is he trying to show me that he doesn't think grades matter?

I gaze at him, internally pleading for him to talk to me, to say anything to me. 

He quickly shifts his gaze back to the boiling noodles. 

As it seems, my father is the real disappointment.

Smile (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfic, RinxOC)Where stories live. Discover now