Chapter 4: Join Swim Club!

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Chapter 4: Join Swim Club! 

The once barren school walls are now covered in colorful posters, trying to convince people to join various clubs. This is THE week, the week clubs prepare months for, club recruitment. Art Club dazzles people with their gorgeous poster, Culinary Club bribes people with food and Swim Club... 

Swim Club shows off their muscles. The display, done onstage for the whole school to see is clearly the manager's idea. She tries to maintain her composure but fails, giggling at the Swim Club members with a prominent bush across her cheeks. I do have to admit the display is quite the spectacle, with countless girls around me giggling in amusement. It's too bad they don't have a girls team that could practice with the boys. Heck, if they convinced even one girl to join, they could probably could make a co-ed swim team. But would such a team be accepted in official events? Probably not... If I joined the Swim Club, I could face my fear on a daily basis... 

That afternoon, as I leave to walk home, I find my feet taking me in a different direction than they normally do, towards the path that runs along the school's swimming pool. Sure enough, when I walk by, the boys are practicing. They dive into the water without hesitation, and swim gracefully, easily swimming from one side of the pool to the other in a matter of seconds. Their goggles shine brightly in the afternoon sun, so bright that I'm momentarily blinded. Annoyed and deciding it is best to move on, I take a hesitant step back away from the fence. To my surprise my back comes into contact with something soft yet firm.  

"Natsuki-san?" a familiar voice asks, sounding just as surprised as I am. I turn to face the person speaking to me, and find myself face to face with Rin. "I didn't know that you go to this school..." He pauses to watch the guys from swim club swim before continuing, "You should join the Swim Club. It might be a bit weird to be the only female swimmer, but I'm sure more female swimmers would join if you joined." 

I have to admit that I've been debating it. The Swim Club could help me get over my fear of swimming... Once again I fail to admit what I'm truly afraid of. I'm afraid of thinking of HIM, my brother, the only member of my family member besides my mother that I was able to smile and laugh with. Then again, my brother could make anyone laugh... 

"Better yet, Natsuki-san, you could be the manager for the Swim Club at Samezuka Academy, where I go to school," he adds, once again causing me to feel surprised. "Based on how you swam, you seem to have been swimming for quite a long time. Plus I think the Samezuka Swim Club could use to have some feminine influence. That and honestly... Honestly, at the last swim meet, half the team had to run back to the hotel to get their swimsuits. We're quite a forgetful bunch that could use some help..." I can't help but laugh at the thought of SWIMMERS forgetting their SWIMSUITS when going to as SWIM MEET. Not even a second passes before I say yes. 


Samezuka is a shockingly large school. In fact, if Rin had not been showing me where to go, I would have likely gotten lost. I can't help but notice the bright smile his face has gained as he gives me a tour of the school, an occasional gleam appearing in his eyes as a fond memory surfaces. 

Throughout the whole tour I am surprised. I am surprised by the vastness of the pool, and the large size of the Swim Club. In fact, it seems that Rin is in charge of an army instead of a Swim Club. It is not merely just a club, it is a true swim team. The swimmers seemed to be just as surprised as me, having been shown something truly unexpected. 

"Oi, Rin, you didn't properly describe how cute she is," one swim team member hollers from somewhere in the back of the crowd that has gathered by Rin's holler.  

"At first I was hesitant to accept the fact that we are going to have a manager, but if Ami-chan is the manager, I'm fine with it!" another guy adds, causing hollers of agreement to make it nearly impossible to hear anything else. The crowd reluctantly parts as a energetic redhead elbows his way to the front. He jogs towards Rin and I, a genuine smile spread across his face. "I'm Mikoshiba Momotarou! My hobby is hunting for stag beetles! My favorite proverbs is 'even homer sometimes nods'! My best dish is fried eggs! When I shower, the first place I wash is-" Rin gives him an intense glare, causing him to quickly close his mouth. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Ami-chan." Meanwhile Rin clears his throat, clearly disapproving the informality of Momotarou's greeting. 

"It's nice to meet you too, Momo-kun," I respond, trying to show Rin that I do not mind the informality, "I suggest you get practicing, Rin-kun seems to be getting a bit annoyed with you. You all should practice. Meanwhile I'll get your messy supply closet organized, okay?" Somehow, amongst all these swimmers, I feel calm and happy. Although I can feel the memories of my brother tugging at my heartstrings, I ignore the pain and smile on. Will I ever be able to see a pool, and see people swimming without thinking of my deceased brother? Also, will I ever be able to attend a swim meet without thinking of my deceased mother, who would enthusiastically clap from the sidelines?  

"Ami-chan, if I beat my personal record, you'll have to show me your swimming, okay?" Momo hollers while swimming, which is a bad move on his part. Halfway across the pool and has to stop and spit up the water he accidentally swallowed. Rin face-palms in response. 

"If you value your sanity," Rin says, after a few seconds, "you will not encourage him." Leaving me to my own devices, Rin flashes me a mischievous smile before diving into the pool. 

Could he have been... Could he have been jealous of Momo for getting my attention?

//I forgot about this fanfic... I'll try to update it more often from now on!//

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