Chapter 6: Surprise

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Chapter 6: Surprise

My father never fails to surprise me. When I arrive home, all the lights are off. He isn't awake. He didn't stay awake. Even though he was MAD, even though he was clearly FURIOUS he didn't even wait to see if I would make it home alright. With a heavy sigh,  I manage to make it to my room without turning the lights on. Sadly I stub a toe, which causes me to whisper a string of curses. Carelessly tossing my bag to one side, I wince as it hits the wall with a loud thud. Why did I throw my bag? Am I upset? I thought that I decided that I didn't care what my father thinks about me... I thought I decided that I didn't care if he is mad at me... I thought I didn't care... 

I thought... 

I thought I decided that I wouldn't let his lack of love for me hurt me anymore.

Perhaps he is so hard on me because he loves me... 

'Whereareya?' his slurred question echoes throughout my mind. He doesn't love me! He  was drunk when he called me! 


He was drunk... What if he isn't home? What if the lights aren't on because he isn't home, not because he's asleep? What if he... 

Not liking where my thoughts are going, I decide to focus on the task of taking off my sweatshirt. My fingers struggle to grasp the zipper as they shake wildly. Why am I so upset? I growl in frustration. I am unable to get my sweatshirt off, and unable stop the waterfall of warm tears that slide down my face. 

Why... Why do I care?

My phone vibrates from within one of my sweatshirt pockets. Reluctantly I pull it out, and find that my father is calling me. Letting a shaky sigh escape my lips, I press the 'answer call' button.  

"Hello? Is this Natsuki Ami?" A woman's voice asks, sending a chill down my spine. A woman? What is he doing with a woman? 

"Yes," I whisper, shocked.  

"Your father appears to be quite drunk. Don't worry, I'm taking care of him. I'm sorry we haven't met yet... Surely your father has at least mentioned me? I'm his girlfriend..." she says, causing anger to rise within me. He never mentioned a girlfriend to me! I thought the only woman he ever loved was Mom... I thought he hated every other woman, including me... 

"Hello? Natsuki-san? Are you there?" She asks, surprised that I haven't responded. I don't even bother to hang up as I throw my phone across the room and watch it fall,  landing on the floor in a pile of pieces.

Why... Why does my father hate me so much? 


I awake to find myself on my bedroom floor, the bright light from the sun hitting me in the eyes, nearly blinding me. Groggy, I give my clock a quick glance. NOON!?! School will be out in a matter of hours... I'm more than late. I've skipped. I've skipped school. Not only that, but my father has yet to come home. 



'I'm his girlfriend...' 

My phone still lies in pieces from where I threw it last night. Well, so much for... For what?  Texting Rin? Just because he's my friend doesn't mean I need to tell him everything there is to know about my messed up life! Rin... I can still feel the warmness of his arms, arms that held me tight. 


If I told him about my father never coming home, he would worry. If he found out I missed school he would worry. If I missed swim practice on top of it all he would FREAK. 

Rin... He's a great friend. 

Rin... Why am I thinking of Rin so much? 

Using a hot shower to clear my head, I quickly slip on my school uniform, and try to make myself look as presentable as possible. I dash about, trying to keep myself busy, trying to keep myself from thinking about my father and his secret girlfriend. What else has he been keeping from me? What if they're engaged? 





I get so lost in my own thoughts that as I enter the building that holds Samezuka's stunning pool I run into Momo. Before I can apologize, he grabs me by one of my wrists, and drags me along. "You'll never believe it, Ami-chan!" He exclaims excitedly, seeming to barely even give himself a chance to breathe, "There is a sports recruiter here!" We push past the many members of Samezuka's swim team, earning ourselves a few annoyed grunts before arriving to the front of the crowd.




The man's gaze, once  purely focused on Rin shifts over to me. His eyes widen, and a moment of silence passes as the man recognizes me. "Ami?" He asks, clearly not expecting to see me at Samezuka. "Ami I..." I don't even let him finish his sentence before I spin on my heels, and run away. Here I am, once again running away from feelings I don't want to face. 

I don't want to feel sad. 

I don't want to feel angry. 

I don't want to have to face him... 

I don't want to have to talk to him... 

I don't want to hear the him say it... 

'I won't allow you to be the manager of a swim team, especially an all boys swim team.'

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