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Sorry Jiyeon, first day of work so I can't be late. I packed you some lunch, it is by the microwave and there's breakfast on the table. Your house keys come tomorrow, so make some friends or something and I'll pick you up when I finish work, just text me where you are. You know where the bus stop is so don't be late and have fun!

- Shin Young

So for once she actually wants to take work seriously, I'm surprised. At least she took the time to leave me some food, last thing I would expect from my unorganised aunt. How Shin Young managed to become my legal guardian is incomprehensible, if anything she's the person that needs one, she's irresponsible! But I love her for it regardless, she's the only one to ever truly care for me.

Many of you may be wondering: what happened to my parents? My honest answer is that I have no idea. All I've ever been told is that my mother got pregnant and wanted to keep me, until she realised she wasn't capable of being a mother but by that point I was past abortion deadline. When I was born she was going to put me up for adoption, then my aunt came and got me before she could. Said I'll be safer with her, I still don't know about that one yet.

I never met my mother, but apparently she's a women I would love to know. I used to hope she'd come back for me once she was ready, I guess that time still hasn't come. Shin Young is my only mother and father figure, she does the best she can and I appreciate her for it, however there are sometimes where I question if she's truly qualified...

My deep thought breaks as my alarm rings with the text "leave the house". When I'm in a new place I need multiple alarms at first, to get myself into a routine that I can subconsciously follow once I get used to being here.

Seoul... Who would've thought I would make it here all the way from Daegu. I've not been here a week and everything feels disoriented and much more busy than what I'm used to. Daegu toughened me up in many ways, so I'm definitely prepared for whatever lays ahead, I'll fight if I have to.

Actually, maybe I'll try not to do that. Fighting is what got me here in the first place, what got me kicked out of my old school. I can't even remember what happened it was all a haze. I clearly got angry to the point here I blacked out, which doesn't happen often, when I finally got out of that state I found out my opponent was in hospital with severe wounds and my uniform was stained with blood.

I've always been a more violent person but I was really good at suppressing it at school, but this person really got under my skin. They talked about my family, you know how it goes from there...

Rather than calling the police, the person's family decided they would be happy enough with my exclusion. And that's how I've ended up here, about to be a new student at Seoul International High. Having to re-do senior year...I can't fuck up, not again, I've stressed out Shin Young too much already.

Realising I'm out of time, I grab my packed lunch along with holding onto a slice of toast in my teeth as I hurry over to the door. Already starting my day off in a mess, just like me.

Out of breath, I successfully make it to my bus stop in time. What should've been a peaceful five minute walk turned into a 2 minute sprint, and the bus isn't even here yet! I drag my heavy body over to one of the seats as I quickly eat my toast.

Suddenly I feel a cold shiver and the whole energy around me crumbles, replaced by one that is sinister and indescribably uncomfortable in a matter of seconds.

Trying to ignore it is impossible, I start looking around to feel the source of this odd feeling only to find nothing. No matter how hard I look there's no one other than me around, so what is causing this.

Just as I'm about to draw my phone out from my pocket I see a shadow creep up in front of me, looming over like a tower that I can't escape. Slowly I lift my head and my eyes until they're met with ones that are darker than an empty universe. Where did they come from, I swore there was nobody near here. No sense of emotion or story behind the pupils, it seems almost illogical.

" Hmmmm..." The person before me says nothing more, a conniving grin emerges as we continue to stare in silence.

" You're new, interesting..." I refuse to say anything back, on what grounds do I have to respond to this weird stranger? Same uniform as me but still not worth my time. There's something about him I don't like, something I don't think I want to find out.

Silence, we sit glaring at each other  in an uneasy silence. He's said nothing more and I'm still not going to say a thing. He looks confused, I couldn't care less to think of a reason why. All I want is to finish my education in peace, I have no time for childish games.

The bus finally makes its appearance, neither of us breaking our intense stares. The wheezing sounds of the automated doors trigger me into grabbing my things and walking inside the bus. Even as I stroll past the mysterious man, it all feels wrong. I won't let him phase me, I'm too independent to let a random person have any sort of effect on me.

As I make my way to the back of the bus I can feel his presence following mine, he needs to stop before I call him out right now because I'm not afraid to do so. Calm down Jiyeon, remember what your aunt said, no violence just keep peace. Luckily he decides to sit a few seats away from me, however still a little bit too close for comfort.

" Why can't I read her... the fuck?" He mutters these word under his breath, the last part being said in a frustrated whisper.

I'm not surprised, I mean look at me! I'm not someone that gives everything away easily, my poker face is too solid for just anyone to understand. I'm starting to find enjoyment in his irritation, I'm not gonna succumb to him as easily as he may think.

The remainder of the bus ride is much more relaxing as the guy seems to give up on his efforts to communicate with me. I just listen to music as I observe the scenery the bus comes across on its journey, calm is the best word to express my emotions. No stress, no worries, just serenity. I'll bask in it while I still can.

Once my destination is reached I followed all of the other school kids out of the bus, I stand and look the vast building before me. Seoul International High, no expectations of this place so we will just have to see how it goes. Just one year and then I'm free, I can do this.

The mysterious guy walks past me again, and then stops in his tracks to turn and face me.

"Heeseung... My name, it's Lee Heeseung. See you around newcomer." Before I can even utter a word in response he's already walking away from me. What's with this guy?

" For your information, I NEVER ASKED OR CARED!" I exclaim, grabbing the attention of all nearby students and staff. I won't allow this guy to have a hold on me, who do I look like? I'm not a fool, I can hold my own.

My only response is him holding his hand in the air in an "okay" symbol, not even looking back and he continues his steady pace of walking towards the school facility.

Lee Heeseung...

In my mind, I already know I wanna mess with him. Let him know who has the power, I'm not a weakling that's going to let him do whatever he wants. He's going to be fun to mess with, my heart is already leaping at the satisfaction it's about to receive.

Manipulation has always been my strong suit, time to put it to the test once again.

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