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"Yeah um definitely fun, excuse me." I stumble over my words as I quickly walk away from Niki.

Too much is going on in my head for me to focus on speaking to anyone right now. Niki looks at me confused as I leave him and head upstairs, I just need some time to myself and space to breathe. I'll just go find a bathroom upstairs, freshen up and then get back to my regular self.

Once I reach upstairs I open a door that leads me down a very long hallway, very harshly lit. As I walk down I open every door ever so slightly, trying to find a bathroom. With no avail I keep walking and walking.

In that moment the lights in the hallways shut off, one by one as my pathway becomes harder and harder to see. As the light above me turns off I see a silhouette of a man appear beside me, almost making me jump.

"Well what do we have here... I dare say the main event." Of course it's Mr Kisser that has be the man appearing from the shadows. A very unpleasant surprise. Sunbi actually told me the other day that his name is K, at least that's what everyone calls him.

Mr Kisser...K. My nickname wasn't that far off.

I roll my eyes at him, completely uninterested in what they have to say, and start walking back towards the party. Until he unexpectedly appears in front of me, in front of the only door that will get me out of here.

"No no.  I just want to talk more. How you feeling?" K starts walking towards me, not stopping until my back is pressed against the wall. Centimetres away from each other, he cups my face slightly as he looks deeply into my eyes, there doesn't look like there's any escape.

Admitting defeat, I roll my eyes as I answer his question.

"It was going great until a bastard decided to question me in the hallway." I shove him away to create some distance between us.

K places his hand on the wall on both sides of me to not lose his balance. And he leans in again as he asks me more questions, this time about my relationships with the Wild Ones. Ranging from how I met each of them to how I feel when they give me demands. 

I answer honestly, telling him I'd rather drop dead then just do as they say without no reason. Because realistically, there's no world where I would do that. Even if they did give me reason I would probably defy them just to piss them off, they're obviously not used to taking no for an answer.

"Hmmm. So you don't do as they say... on any grounds?" He looks up at the ceiling this time, he's thinking but I don't even have any idea why.

"Why would I do that? They can't force me!" He chuckles in a low vibration.

It's one that doesn't last very long as he cups my face one again, an unexplainable expression growing on his face.

"It's starting to make sense. Please, tell me more." K's eyes seem to shimmer red, similar to our last encounter. I'm about to open my mouth when I hear someone yell.

"What the fuck K?!" Sunoo quickly storms down the hallway, pushing K away from me. Once I'm out of his grasp Sunoo instantly positions himself in front of me.

There must be a hidden bat signal in this house or something because all of the guys come running into the hallway, positioning themselves next to Sunoo with their arms folded.

Jay is the first to raise his voice at K, demanding he explain why he's here. The rest of the boys simply follow his lead, stepping closer to K as he takes a few slow steps away from them further down the hallway. He raises his hands as they continue to press him.

"Calm down you guys, I'm only here for Jiyeon." He gives me a mischievous smirk and wink before looking back at the rest of the boys.

He's here only for me? I remember him saying at the bus stop, after seeing my invitation, that he now has a reason to go. So he wasn't just playing around with me? I'm just me though, there's no clear reason as to why my presence would be his reason for attending. Or maybe gate crashing is a better choice of words.

The boys seems to think this as well as they all start questioning K, apply pressure and getting more violent by the moment. All K does is laugh, almost uncontrollably, which only irritates the boys the more.

"She's very special, you guys just haven't realised it yet..." He refuses to give anymore context to his confusing sentence, he just laughs and laughs until someone finally snaps.

Surprisingly it's Heeseung who loses his temper, charging towards K to try and punch him.

Everything starts getting hectic and like magic five other guys appear next to K. Their faces are stern and they look ready to fight back. One of K's friends tried to punch Heeseung, to which Jay dives in to block it, almost knocking me over in the process.

Before I can react, Niki and Jungwon grab me by the arm and drag me down the hallway. K tried to go after me but the rest of the boys block his path, the annoyance on his face evident.

Jungwon let's go of me as he quickly opens a door, Niki helps in rushing me in. They pace back and forth, muttering to each other in hushed voices. I can't make out anything they're saying except for the occasion swear word.

After about a minute they both turn towards me with expressionless faces. We all just exchange looks for a moment, then Niki places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me.

"We'll deal with K and get you after okay? Just stay here...Fucking hate these guys!" Niki smiles at me before leaving the room, uttering his last sentence in an frustrated whisper.

Jungwon is about to follow after him when I call out his name.

I try to ask Jungwon why they doesn't like K, to be fair I definitely don't either, but he simply stares at me. His eyes waver like he's thinking about something, contemplating if he should answer my question. He opens his mouth but quickly traps it shut again, looking me in the eyes once again, his eyes seem to glow slightly red.

"Stay put." He doesn't say anything else as he turns to leave the room, slamming the door behind him. The anger in his tone tells me he's serious.

I can't help but wonder what K has done to the boys for them to despise him this much. I know he's an absolute dick, but it can't be that bad.

I sit patiently in the room, surveying my surroundings. Judging by how blandly decorated the room it, it's clearly a guest room. A house big enough for 7 people and they still have rooms to spare, how did they even get this place?

Amongst the muffled music I hear a range of loud voices, yelling, and items falling. Nice to know the conversation is going well. And I can't even see what's going on because I'm supposed to stay in this room for what, my safety? Just because Jungwon told me so, because he's the big leader and I should listen to him!

Then again, when have I ever listened to a word they say?

At the end of it all, danger or not, I can hold my own. I've always been holding my own, and I'm not gonna stop now because some egotistical boys that have issues want to get themselves into more problems. I want to see what's happening, I want to be involved because at the end of the day the only reason K is here is because of me. And I don't even know why.

I make my decision and rise from the bed and open the door.

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