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The name seems like it should hold weight, especially after how Sunbi described this infamous man, but it doesn't do anything to me. Just the name of a person, a person that almost made me fall over because they have no clue of their own surroundings.

Maybe I should be feeling scared or intimidated for crossing paths with him, but he hasn't given me a reason to feel that way. I won't let the rumours and words of other people construct my judgement of him, from this one run in I think I will start to figure out how I perceive him.

He doesn't even seem like all that except for a few elements; his aura is the first thing that grabs my attention, it's dark and sinister with hints of deep rooted hatred. It's a very strong presence, one I would say rivals that of Jungwon, but for some reason I just can't seem to take him seriously as the other Wild Ones I have met.

Despite wearing the same uniform as everyone else, he manages to give it a different vibe and look. It's definitely been tailored to him in certain aspects, but the foundation of the uniform is the same. Edgy yet fashionable, I'll give him a few points for that. Still doesn't change the fact I don't like him already.

"Pick them up." Harsh and disrespectful in tone as he attempts to order me around. This is when I realise that after bumping into him, I knocked off his glasses. I glance at them for a second, wonder why I should pick up something that belongs to him.

This whole time I hadn't looked past the ID, haven't even taken a single glimpse at his face. Might as well now.

I raise my head slowly to look up at him, obviously he's taller than me so he's gonna try and establish a power dynamic. He looks kind of like I imagine him to be; muted blonde hair styled as an undercut with curtains, dark brown eyes that could be mistaken for a midnight black, his visible rage makes his jawline stand at attention.

The typical "bad boy" look but I'm also catching a few hints of "spoiled rich kid" by the way he carries himself, but aren't they all orphans? There's some loose threads in this infamous story I've been told, maybe I should've stayed to listen to Sunbi.

After my brief analysis of him I can't help but explode into a hysterical laughter in the hallway, drawing a lot attention to the people who weren't already engaged in our interaction.

"Do it yourself they're right there!" There's no way he expects me to actually pick them up for him, he must be crazy! They're literally right I front of him, it's not a hard task that he can't do himself.

Shock and rage, my response seems to have drawn out the emotions in him as his face looks dumbfounded as he clenched his fists. Everyone in that little group seems to act this way towards me, are they not used to being told no. There's no way everybody in this school abides by what they say, they don't even look that dangerous.

His eyes fixate on me as he moves closer and closer towards me, the crowd surrounding us is surprised at my refusal. He doesn't want to be humiliated, having one person go against him is clearly enough to throw him into a little tantrum.

"What did you just say?! Pick them up... NOW!" He stares me down for a few moments, as he looks at me I think I see eyes change to a shade of dark red that could be masked as black.

I'm probably just seeing things, people's eyes just don't go red out of nowhere. Or maybe its a medical condition, that's seems like the only reasonable conclusion. And there's no reason for him to yell at me, is that supposed to scare me into doing it. I'm starting to realise this school is weirder than I initially thought, because what the hell is this?

" Saying it a second time isn't gonna make the outcome different. They're your property, so you get them." The crowd around us seems to get more engaged as I continue to refuse his request, their whispers get louder and they're frantically tapping each other's shoulders. After my response Jay gets even closer to the point where our noses are almost touching, not in a romantic way but more of a deep inspection of me.

"And it shouldn't be hard for you to follow my instructions..." This time his speech isn't filled with anger, confusion would be a better choice of words. He's trying to hide that tone but it doesn't get past me.

Is everyone in this place their personal servants, do none of them step out of line? Why is it so supernatural to him that I won't do as he says, he has no authority over me so I don't have to do anything he orders me to do. There's no way I'm the first person to rebel... right?

We continue to argue back and forth in the hallway, neither of us backing down and folding. I'm not gonna take bullshit from anyone here, especially not on my first day. I did that at my last school and it was horrendous, and the day I exploded was too much for me to the point I can't even remember what happened that day.

As our argument goes on, I start to see prominent figures in the crowd; Heeseung looks intrigued but shocked, Jungwon looks calm but I can sense rage coming from his aura, I think some of the other members are here but I can't really pinpoint them.

But then there's one guy, stood above watching the scene play out from the balcony, all by himself. A devilish smirk is plastered on his face as he watches the events play out, I briefly remember him. As I was walking into school he was walking a few steps behind me, I'm pretty sure he was watching what happened in home room from the outside window and now he's here.

I want to know more about him and why he's so interested in every thing I do, it's not even been a day and he seems so invested in me. Similar to how Heeseung is with me, but his vibe is definitely different and one I can't clarify. I turn my attention back to the furious Park Jay in-front of me, and I feel the mysterious guy's presence disappear.

This disagreement has gone on too long and it's clear that we are gonna keep going around in circles, so I need to figure out a way to end this that also means that I win this. Because I never lose.

"This is why I fucking hate humans!" What a broad statement to make, and what an odd choice of words...


Personally I would've just used "people" , but I guess it's just personal choice. He says it with a level of vim and disgust that almost had me wondering if his sentence has a double meaning of any kind. I'm probably just overanalysing him now, so I'll just let that slide for now, but I'll definitely keep it as a mental note.

That sentence proves to be what I needed because I reposition myself and stand up straight as I utter my last sentence to Jay.

" And this is why I fucking hate... BOYS like you, take accountability and pick your shit up!" Before Jay can even retaliate I begin to walk away, signalling then end of our encounter. I brush past him with full force, bumping shoulders, and then I start to feel disoriented. It feels like time stops for a moment, then starts moving at light-speed in reverse.

My vision becomes blurred and canted as images flash before my eyes. Scenes of me screaming out in pain over the floor, my jaw stretching to unimaginable lengths. Tears roll down my face as I try to cradle my jaw, my body contorting in uncomfortable ways. Before I can register the rapid images, I'm pulled back into reality and it's as if I came back to the very moment I left it in.

I continue to walk away from Jay, not looking back at him, not looking at anyone if I'm being honest. I keep walking until I find a small corner that's empty. I drag my fingers against my jawline as I try to figure out what just happened, that's never happened to me before.

What on Earth was that?

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